[Requested] ♠ Peculiar Affinities ♠

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Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

Y/n and Muichiro's relationship had a unique dynamic that caught the attention of other demon slayers. Y/n had a penchant for sending unusual items to Muichiro, hoping to find something that he would genuinely appreciate. These items ranged from pendants and paper crafts to pens, each with their own peculiar charm.

It began innocently enough. Y/n noticed Muichiro's reserved and enigmatic nature, and she wanted to find a way to connect with him on a deeper level. She discovered that Muichiro had a fondness for peculiar objects and appreciated the thoughtfulness behind them. Thus, Y/n took it upon herself to gather and send various items to him, hoping to spark a reaction or a smile.

The other demon slayers found this behavior rather odd. They couldn't quite grasp the concept of sending random items to a Hashira. Some even questioned the purpose behind Y/n's gesture, wondering if it was simply a playful prank or a genuine attempt to understand Muichiro better.

Ironically, in contrast to that, Y/n would frequently misplace or lose her belongings.

Y/n's frustration grew as she continued to search for the missing handkerchief. Her furrowed their brows, retracing her steps in their mind.

"I'm positive I had it with me. I remember using it earlier during training," she replied, her voice tinged with mild exasperation.

A fellow comrade helped her combed through the training grounds, searching under training dummies, in corners, and even in the surrounding bushes.

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at her own misfortune. "I swear, sometimes it feels like my belongings have a mind of their own. They just love to play hide-and-seek with me," she remarked, a mix of amusement and frustration evident in her voice.

"Well, your belongings must have quite the adventure when they're in your possession. Maybe they get bored and decide to wander off," they teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Y/n's lips curled into a playful smile. "Perhaps they're training to become stealthy ninja accessories. They'll surprise me one day when I least expect it," she replied, her tone filled with a touch of whimsy.

Their entire search was abruptly interrupted when a voice unexpectedly spoke from behind them, "what are you doing?" Y/n and the fellow demon slayer turned to face Muichiro Tokito, surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Ah, Tokito-san, Y/n misplaced her handkerchief, and I was assisting her in searching for it," the slayer replied.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now