[Requested] ♠ Balancing Harmony ♠

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Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

Yuichiro, Muichiro's older twin brother, initially had reservations about Y/n when she first entered their lives. However, as time went on and he saw how much she cared for Muichiro and supported him, the older twin began to appreciate her presence. He recognized her efforts in taking care of the household chores and providing companionship to him when Muichiro was away on missions.

Gradually, Yuichiro started to warm up to Y/n and developed a friendship with her. He saw how happy she made Muichiro and how she brought a sense of balance and joy into their lives. Yuichiro realized that his skepticism was unfounded and that Y/n genuinely cared for his brother.

As Y/n and Muichiro's relationship grew, Yuichiro witnessed the love and affection they shared. He could see the positive impact Y/n had on Muichiro's life, helping him overcome his self-doubt and supporting him in his role as a demon slayer. Yuichiro respected their bond and became supportive of their relationship.

Whenever Muichiro was away on a mission, Y/n would accompany Yuichiro in their estate. They would spend time together, engaging in conversation, helping each other with tasks, or simply enjoying each other's company. Yuichiro appreciated having Y/n around as she brought a sense of warmth and companionship to the household.

"Y/n, you don't have to do that, I can take care of the cleaning later," Yuichiro remarked, pausing his cooking to observe Y/n diligently sweeping the tatami floors of their shared estate. His gaze held a mix of appreciation and concern for her efforts.

Y/n looked up from her sweeping and smiled at Yuichiro. "It's no trouble at all, Yui. I enjoy helping out around here, and it gives me something to do while Muichiro is away," she replied kindly.

Yuichiro sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Y/n continue her task. "I know you're always willing to help, but sometimes I feel guilty. You've done so much for us already, and I don't want you to feel burdened."

Yuichiro added, "plus that's Mui's chore."

"Haha, it's fine, Yui, I don't mind at all." Y/n added. "Plus, Muichiro has enough on his plate with his demon slaying duties. I don't mind taking care of the chores around here."

"That applies to you as well," Yuichiro retorted, his tone laced with determination.

"True, I still have to do a patrol after."

"And yet, you decided to help me with the chores? Are you an idiot?" Yuichiro's worry and concern spilled out in his words, laced with a touch of frustration. He couldn't fathom why Y/n would willingly take on the responsibility of helping him with the chores despite knowing she had a patrol ahead. His concern for her safety and well-being was evident, even if it came across as harsh.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now