[Requested] ♠ Assertive Proclamations ♠

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Yuichirou Tokitou x Reader

The Tokito twins had always been popular in school, thanks to their striking appearances and impressive skills in shogi. Everything about them exuded perfection. Despite the older twin's stoic and cold demeanor, students, especially females, were still drawn to him.

Now, picture this: When Yuichiro Tokito, the older twin, started to show a softer and more gentle side, it caused quite a stir among the students at school. His stoic and cold demeanor had previously contributed to his allure, but now, with this newfound subtlety kindness, he became even more intriguing to others.

His change in behavior didn't go unnoticed, girls, in particular, found themselves drawn to him even more. They saw this as a chance to break through his tough exterior and discover the person he truly was underneath. Yuichiro's popularity soared, and he unwittingly became the subject of many crushes and admirers.

Y/n discreetly glared at the girls from behind her hands, her elbows resting on the desk, and her chin supported by her palms. She couldn't understand why they were suddenly showing so much interest in her boyfriend, Yuichiro now that he had let his guard down a bit.

Although she knew that his popularity was inevitable given his captivating charm, the newfound interest from other girls made her slightly uneasy.

Part of her wanted to remind them that he was already taken as she couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy as she saw the other girls gawking at Yuichiro.

"Y/n... You look like you're about to murder someone." Y/n's friend nervously chuckled at her intense glare and the potential effect it could have on the unsuspecting students. Her friend knew better than to mess with Y/n when she was in this mood.

"I almost regret asking Yui to be a bit gentle..." Y/n muttered, her glare unwavering as she observed the students who seemed oblivious to the hint. She was the reason for Yuichiro's sudden change in demeanor, while she wanted him to be acknowledged beyond his cold exterior, she hadn't anticipated the amount of attention it would attract, and it was starting to infuriate her.

"Maybe you should ease up a bit on the death glares," her friend suggested half-jokingly. "I know it's frustrating to see so much attention on Yuichiro, but remember, you're the reason for his change and well, now everyone's taking notice."

Y/n sighed, trying to relax her facial expression but still finding it challenging to shake off her irritation. "I know," she replied. "I just didn't expect it to be like this. I wanted him to be more open-hearted, but I didn't anticipate the whole school fawning over him."

Her friend nodded sympathetically. "I get it. But hey, Yuichiro is with you, and he loves you. I don't think he's paying much attention to all the extra attention he's getting. Besides, I'm sure he's still the same guy you fell for, just with a few more layers revealed."

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