♠ Natural Flirt ♠

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The night sky holds a captivating beauty, particularly with the moon and its shimmering stars. As you gaze upward, you're transported to your own personal sanctuary, detached from the clamor and commotion below. Despite the cacophony emanating from downstairs, the celestial display above acts as a shield, shielding you from the noise. The sight of the twinkling stars and the serene moon creates a mesmerizing spectacle, drawing you into a world of tranquility.

Finding solace away from the crowd and the overwhelming noise has always been your preference. Perched upon the roof, you feel a sense of ease wash over you as you direct your gaze towards the captivating night sky. With your legs dangling off the edge, the height may be daunting for some, but you embrace it without fear. Rather than concerning yourself with what lies below, your focus is consumed by the magnificent expanse above.

The night sky, with its mesmerizing display, holds your attention captive. Stars twinkle like celestial diamonds, while the moon casts a gentle glow, creating a breathtaking scene. In this moment, the world below becomes insignificant as you immerse yourself in the beauty of the heavens.

"Y/n, that's dangerous," a voice echoed from behind, causing you to instinctively turn around. Your body shifted, gazing up as your eyes aligned itself with a pair of gentle mint-colored orbs that stared upon you.

With a pair of red cups in his grasp, Muichiro approached your side in silence. He gently placed the cups down before enveloping you in an embrace, ensuring your feet were no longer near the edge.

Surprised, you blinked and then proceeded to pat his head, feeling a sense of endearment towards his protective nature. His head found a resting place on your shoulder, emphasizing the tender side of his character.

"I was looking for you, I thought you left me," his voice muffled against your clothes as he pressed his face deeper into your back. His embrace tightened around your waist, conveying a mix of relief and affection. You couldn't help but chuckle softly, gently caressing his head. It was a contrast to his usual fierceness, seeing him vulnerable and adorable in that moment.

"I would never leave you. Parties may not be my thing, but I wouldn't abandon you because of that," you reassured him sincerely.

"It's not my thing either," he meekly replied, his voice carrying a sense of relief in finding a shared sentiment. "What are you doing out here?"

You took a moment to gather your thoughts before responding, "I didn't enjoy the crowd, and the music was getting on my nerves." You admitted, a hint of exasperation evident in your tone.

Truth be told, you had only attended the event because Muichiro was there and your friends had invited you. If it weren't for those factors, you would have gladly spent the night wrapped in the comfort of your blankets, away from the noise and commotion.

Being in each other's company under the starlit sky seemed far more appealing than any party.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now