♠ Serenity ♠

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The room was filled with boisterous chatter, with each student tending to their own affairs, creating a cacophony of mixed voices and sounds. The sun had already climbed high in the sky, casting a warm orange glow over the tempered windows, signaling that it was now mid-day.

Despite the school bell ringing to signify the end of lunch break and the resumption of classes, the deafening noise persisted. The students seemed to be ignoring the bell, and their conversations continued as if they hadn't heard it at all.

Muichiro let out a soft exhale and leaned his chin onto his palm, staring blankly outside. His eyes, a dull shade of mint, fixed on the scenery beyond. The chaotic blend of sounds around him was grating and unpleasant, making him uncomfortable in such settings.

If he had skipped his classes, he wouldn't be stuck in this annoying situation. He cursed himself inwardly for not doing so, and his frown deepened as the clamor of voices grew louder. He generally disliked hearing people's voices and being approached, but there was one exception: you.

It was surprising to discover that your voice was like a balm to him. Your voice was soft and soothing, not too loud or harsh, but just enough to bring him comfort and relaxation. He found it just as comforting as your actions.

Immersed in his own realm of thoughts, he found himself entranced by the mesmerizing gaze of your sparkling eyes. He gazes into them as if he had caught a glimpse of the future he yearned for.

He typically responds dismissively to people who attempt physical contact by either pushing their hand away, giving them a fierce look that could leave a lasting impact, or simply disregarding them. However, you are an exception, as he treats you differently.

Despite his usual aversion to physical touch, he finds himself yearning for your touch whenever you run your hand through his black-mint ombre hair. Each time your hand brushes against his hair or untangles the strands, he feels a shiver of excitement run through him, causing him to turn away from you with a smile on his face.

Everything about you just screams heart-warming, comfort and home.

He sulked alone, feeling frustrated by the fact that you were in a different class. He longed to have you by his side and wished for time to pass quickly until you could be together again.

Despite his class starting, he found himself unable to focus on the lesson at hand. With you absent, he instead turned his attention to the scenery outside.

He observed the leaves swaying in tune with the wind, their delicate dance culminating in a graceful descent to the ground. As he looked up, the clouds floated by at a leisurely pace, some taking on shapes that invited imaginative interpretation.

As time passed by, he gradually succumbed to boredom and dozed off. His arms were folded, serving as a cushion for his head which was nestled within. His shoulders rose and fell in unison with each breath, while his eyes remained tightly shut, his lashes grazing his cheeks.

Startled by a sudden touch on his hair, he quickly turned around to glare at the person who dared to invade his personal space. However, as soon as he saw that it was you, his expression softened, and he relaxed as you continued to gently caress his hair.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now