[Requested] ♠ Symphony of Support ♠

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Pushing the door open with one hand, Muichiro entered the apartment, carefully holding a bag of groceries close to his chest. Before he could fully step inside, he was greeted by a pair of hands embracing his waist. Though taken aback at first, he quickly recognized the familiar signs. Muichiro's heart sank as he recognized the signs of Y/n's disorder, careful not to startle her further.

With a soothing voice, he spoke softly, "I'm back."

Balancing himself, Muichiro gently placed the bag of groceries down and wrapped his arms around Y/n, providing a secure embrace to help calm her racing emotions. Muichiro understood the importance of remaining calm during these episodes, as he had witnessed them before. He knew that sudden movements or loud noises could exacerbate her condition, so he maintained a gentle hold, allowing her to find solace in his presence.

"Welcome back..." Y/n spoke, her voice muffled as her face was buried to his chest, Muichiro's gaze soften at the sight of her girlfriend's vulnerability. "I thought you left me."

As Y/n continued to cling to him, he could feel her trembling. Muichiro pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head, conveying his love and support. " I'm sorry, you were sleeping so I didn't want to wake you up." he murmured, his voice steady and reassuring.

Muichiro tightened his hold around Y/n, reassuring her of his presence. "I would never leave you, Y/n. You mean the world to me," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "I know it can be scary when you wake up and I'm not there, but I promise I'll always come back to you."

Y/n looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and lingering vulnerability. "I just get so scared sometimes," she admitted, her voice still trembling slightly. "It's like my mind plays tricks on me, and I fear that I'll be left all alone."

Muichiro cupped Y/n's face gently, his touch tender and filled with warmth. "I understand, Y/n. It's okay, I'm here to listen and support you," he assured her. "I'll do my best to help you through those moments. We're in this together."

Recognizing the need to comfort Y/n, Muichiro gently released his hold on her and took her hand, guiding her to the couch. Sitting her down, he offered her a reassuring smile before speaking softly.

"I'll prepare some warm beverage; do you want to drink something?" he asked, his voice filled with care and concern.

Y/n looked up at him, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and vulnerability. "Yes, please," she replied softly. "A hot chocolate would be nice."

Muichiro gave her a reassuring smile and released her hand gently before making his way to the kitchen. He understood the importance of creating a calming environment, so he began to prepare their drink with care.

As the water boiled and the aroma of the beverage filled the air, Muichiro's thoughts drifted to Y/n's well-being. He knew that these episodes could take a toll on her, both emotionally and physically. He wanted to do everything he could to support her, providing comfort and stability in moments of vulnerability.

Once the drink was ready, Muichiro carried the warm mugs into the living room and handed one to Y/n. He settled down beside her, their shoulders touching, offering a tangible connection and a source of comfort.

"Here you go, Y/n," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth.

Y/n took the mug gratefully, feeling the warmth seep into her hands. She took a sip, allowing the comforting flavors to wash over her and provide a sense of grounding. She glanced at Muichiro, her eyes conveying gratitude and appreciation.

"Thank you, Muichiro," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity. "For being here, for understanding, and for taking care of me."

Muichiro's gaze met hers, his eyes shining with affection. "You don't have to thank me, Y/n," he replied softly. "Taking care of you is something I gladly do. You mean everything to me, and I'll always be here to support you."

As they finished their drinks, Muichiro noticed the exhaustion evident in Y/n's eyes, a clear sign of the emotional toll the episode had taken on her. He gently placed his hand on hers, concern etched on his face. "Y/n, you look tired. Why don't we take a nap? Rest will do both of us good."

Y/n nodded, grateful for Muichiro's understanding. "I think that's a good idea," she replied softly. "I just need to catch up on some sleep."

As Y/n settled onto the soft and inviting bed, her eyelids grew heavy, fighting to stay open. Muichiro observed her struggle, a warm smile adorning his face. He reached out, running his fingers through her hair in a soothing motion. He carefully settled himself beside her, making sure to provide the warmth and comfort she needed, he pulled the blanket over their bodies, creating a cozy cocoon.

As Y/n snuggled closer, Muichiro whispered softly, his voice a gentle lullaby, "I'm right here with you."

Y/n nestled her head against Muichiro's chest, finding solace in the rhythm of his heartbeat. The warmth of their shared space and the steady rise and fall of his breath provided a sense of serenity that washed over her.

Muichiro continued to stroke her hair lovingly, his touch soothing and calming. "Rest well, Y/n."

Y/n gave out a small nod, allowing her heavy eyelids to finally surrender to the weight of exhaustion. The room was filled with a tranquil silence as they drifted into a peaceful slumber together.


Artist links;

Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/49800985

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rainyforesty


I am open to requests for Muichiro x Reader content, and I also enjoy engaging in roleplays. If you're interested in either, please feel free to check out my tumblr for more information. ~ ♠

The supportive boyfie; Muichiro Tokitou is not credited to me and neither is the anime: Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer)

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