[Requested] ♠ Whispered Secrets ♠

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Y/n made the decision to take a solitary walk into town, seeking some time alone to divert her thoughts from the impending separation from Muichiro. However, just as she was preparing to leave, her mother intercepted her path, insisting on accompanying her to ensure her safety and well-being.

She looked at her mother, torn between wanting to be alone and appreciating her mother's concern. Y/n understood that her mother only wanted to make sure she was safe, but she also craved some solitude to sort out her thoughts and emotions.

Taking a deep breath, Y/n gently placed her hand on her mother's arm and smiled warmly. "Thank you for worrying about me, Mom. I really appreciate it. But right now, I think I need some time alone to clear my head. I promise I'll be careful, and I'll come back soon."

"Even so, I'll accompany you."

Y/n couldn't help but sweat drop at her mother's unwavering determination. She sighed inwardly, realizing that once her mother had set her mind on something, it was nearly impossible to argue against it. Resigned to the fact that her mother would be accompanying her, Y/n nodded and smiled faintly, appreciating her mother's persistence.

"Alright, Mom," Y/n said with a gentle sigh.

Dressed in their customary kimonos, Y/n and her mother walked through the bustling town. The aroma of various delicacies filled the air as vendors showcased their tempting offerings. Y/n's mother seemed captivated by the vibrant displays, her eyes wandering from one vendor to another with genuine interest.

However, Y/n's mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of Muichiro, the Mist Pillar, her heart ached at the thought of being separated from him, uncertain of when, or if, they would meet again.

But, as they continued their walk, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of longing for Muichiro's presence. Her gaze wandered toward the distant horizon, lost in her thoughts as memories of their time together played vividly in her mind. She wondered how Muichiro was faring, whether he was safe and if he, too, thought of her.

Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of unease due to the crowded streets as they walked through the town with its bustling atmosphere, the chatter of the people, and the constant jostling made her long for a quieter, more serene environment.

She craved solitude and space to reflect on her thoughts and emotions, away from the overwhelming presence of others.

While Y/n's mother chatted with a vendor, Y/n's attention was caught by a group of individuals nearby. Clad in familiar uniforms adorned with sheathed blades, they were unmistakably Demon Slayers with the recognized insignia on their uniforms and the dedication etched in their expressions.

As if destiny had a hand in it, her gaze then shifted from the group of Demon Slayers, her eyes locked onto a figure that felt strangely familiar. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized the long, black-to-mint strands of hair gently swaying in the wind—it was Muichiro. Time seemed to stand still as their eyes met, both of them wide-eyed with surprise and recognition.

Y/n's emotions surged within her, a mix of joy, longing, and the weight of their hidden relationship. Her instinct urged her to rush into his arms, to hold him close and revel in him, but the reality of their circumstances held her back.

Muichiro curved a small, gentle smile onto his lips to which Y/n caught sight of, she could sense the bittersweetness behind his expression, a silent acknowledgement of the constraints they faced. It was a smile meant to offer comfort and reassurance, but it only deepened the pain in Y/n's heart.

Her brows furrowed with a tinge of anguish, and she instinctively bit the corner of her bottom lip, trying to contain her emotions. The pain of hiding their relationship, of not being able to openly express their love, weighed heavily on her. In that moment, she wished for a different reality, where their love could be celebrated without fear or secrecy.

Their gazes locked; an invisible barrier seemed to separate them despite their close proximity. The longing in their eyes was palpable, mirroring the depth of their emotions and the ache in their hearts.

Time stood still as they silently yearned for a reality where they could freely embrace one another.

The weight of their secret, the constraints that kept them apart, hung heavy in the air. It was a cruel reminder of the distance that existed between them, even in this fleeting encounter.

Concluding the transaction with the vendor, her mother, unaware of her daughter's secret relationship with Muichiro, grabbed her hand and led her in a opposite direction.

The conflicting emotions within her intensified, torn between her desire to reveal her love and the need to respect the secrecy they had chosen. Reluctantly, she followed her mother, fighting the urge to break free and run back to Muichiro's side.

Then, Y/n turned her gaze back towards Muichiro, her heart clenched at the sight of his gentle smile that radiated both love and sorrow, his orbs filled with tenderness, seemed to convey a message that his lips couldn't utter aloud.

In a bittersweet moment, Muichiro mouthed the words that echoed in Y/n's heart. Y/n's eyes welled up with unshed tears, her love for Muichiro overflowing in that very moment. She longed to respond, to let him know that her feelings mirrored his, but the circumstances surrounding them prevented such open declarations.

'I love you.'


Artist:りんご@お仕事募集中 [ringo kimetsu]

Links; https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3577060


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