[Requested] ♠ Sweet Revelations ♠

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Yuichirou Tokitou x Reader

As Yuichiro and his younger twin made their way through the corridors of the academy, Y/n, a popular figure among the students, especially the male students, caught Yuichiro's attention. His younger twin, being observant, noticed his brother's subtle fidgeting. Yuichiro would frequently avert his gaze or display a slight blush whenever Y/n passed by them.

It was clear to Muichiro that Y/n had an effect on his older twin. Yuichiro admired Y/n from afar and felt a sense of nervousness in her presence. His behavior indicated a combination of attraction and shyness, which his twin picked up on.

Playfully, Muichiro teased his older twin about it, a mischievous grin forming on his lips. "Nii-san, you're blushing," Muichiro said, unable to hide his amusement as he stared at his older twin.

Yuichiro, slightly flustered by his brother's observation, quickly denied it. "Shut up, I'm not," he retorted, attempting to brush off his younger twin's teasing.

Despite his protest, Yuichiro's blush and fidgeting were evident signs that his younger twin found amusing and couldn't resist pointing out.

"To think you'd like the girl you inevitably bullied before..." Muichiro trailed off, his voice filled with teasing amusement. "You have a weird attraction, nii-san."

Yuichiro's face turned even redder, his embarrassment growing as Muichiro brought up their past. He quickly tried to defend himself, his words filled with a mix of indignation and explanation.

"WH-What? It was a misunderstanding!" Yuichiro protested, his voice slightly flustered.

During their elementary school days, Yuichiro came across a distressing scene where his younger brother, Muichiro, seemed to be cornered by a female bully. Fueled by his protective instincts as the older twin, Yuichiro promptly intervened, forcefully separating the girl from Muichiro. The bully ended up falling to the ground, sustaining a few bruises in the process, but Yuichiro paid little attention to her condition. Instead, he sternly warned her to keep her distance from his younger sibling.

Years later, Yuichiro discovered the truth behind the incident in elementary school as his younger twin explained, realizing that he had misunderstood the entire situation. It turned out that Y/n, the person who had appeared to be bullying Muichiro, was actually helping and protecting him. Yuichiro felt a mixture of regret and embarrassment for his hasty judgment.

Despite the passage of time, Yuichiro had yet to apologize for his past actions towards Y/n. He found himself caught in a cycle of shyness and hesitation, unable to gather the courage to approach her and make amends.

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