♠ Vexing Façade ♠

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Yuichirou Tokitou x Reader

Yuichiro always wore a frown and a constant glare, except when he was interacting with his younger twin. During those moments, the stern expression would soften, and a different side of him would emerge.

He displayed a rather rude and arrogant demeanor towards everyone, a stark contrast to his younger brother's character, but Y/n couldn't help but wonder why Yuichiro seemed to have a particular animosity towards her. Was there a specific reason behind his apparent hostility towards her? She had known the Tokito twins for a while now, and Yuichiro's behavior towards others and herself had always struck her as puzzling.

Y/n cast a quick glance in his direction; he was leaning against a wall, arms crossed, and even with his eyes closed, a subtle frown was apparent on his face. Y/n's friends noticed her gaze and couldn't resist teasing her about it.

"Oh my, what's this, Y/n? Are you checking out the younger Tokito?" Y/n's friends teased playfully.

Y/n raised an eyebrow and looked at her friends, correcting them, "Younger? No, that's the older one."

"Really?" Her friends asked, confused. Y/n nodded slowly, feeling a sweat drop on her face. She wondered how they couldn't tell the two apart; their facial expressions were quite distinct.

"Aww, look at you, knowing their differences," her friends continued the teasing, causing Y/n to blush slightly and give them a playful glare.

"No, you're just not looking--" Y/n began to say, but her friends interrupted.

"Like how he looks at you?" They teased further. "Oh, come on, Y/n, we see the way he looks at you. There's definitely something going on there."

"Hell yeah, like the way he looks like he wants to kill me," Y/n retorted sarcastically. She couldn't believe Yuichiro would have any feelings for her, given how he always seemed to glare at her as if she had done something wrong, even when she hadn't done anything at all.

She unconsciously glanced at Yuichiro, who was now staring back at her with his usual slight glare. The sudden eye contact made Y/n flinch, causing her to quickly look away.

She inwardly cursed herself for feeling flustered by the eye contact with Yuichiro. 'So, what if he looks a little handsome? That guy's a prick...'

As days went by, Y/n continued to try her best to ignore Yuichiro's presence during classes. She focused on her studies and spent time with her friends, doing her best to avoid any unnecessary confrontations with him.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now