♠ Irresistible ♠

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The late evening had arrived, and the once thunderous music had subsided, replaced by a hushed silence. Surveying the scene, her friends sprawled across the living room, their exhausted bodies in various positions, their faces etched with weariness from the night of revelry.

Y/n sighed as she looked around the messy living room. Empty bottles, half-eaten snacks, and scattered party decorations were strewn across the floor. It had been a wild night, filled with laughter, dancing, and perhaps a bit too much alcohol.

She gently tiptoed over her sleeping friends, careful not to disturb their much-needed rest. As she made her way towards her bedroom, she couldn't help but smile at the memories created during the evening. The party had been a success, and everyone seemed to have had a great time.

Thankfully the decision to rent the villa instead of hosting the party at her own house was made. She couldn't imagine the chaos that would have ensued if they had chosen her place. Her friends had suggested it, assuming it would be more convenient, but she had insisted on the villa for precisely this reason.

The thought of her pristine home being transformed into the aftermath of a wild party made her shudder. She cherished her space and valued cleanliness, so it was a relief that the mess was contained within the rented villa.

Y/n wasn't much of a drinker anyways, hence saving her of losing her dignity unlike her friends who were now scattered and laying down on the floor.

Y/n stepped out onto the patio, the cool night air enveloping her as she made her way towards the pool. The sight before her was breathtaking. The large, inviting pool glistened under the soft illumination of the surrounding dimly lights, casting a mesmerizing reflection on the water's surface. It was a tranquil scene, a stark contrast to the raucous energy of the party that had taken place just hours before.

The gentle ripples and undulations of the water captured her gaze, and she noticed the elegant movement of long strands of hair gracefully gliding through the pool. Initially assuming it belonged to a female friend, she soon recognized the unmistakable mint-colored ends that distinguished it.

Y/n's eyes widened in surprise as Muichiro emerged from the pool. The sight before her was nothing short of stunning. Droplets of water cascaded down his chiseled physique, accentuating his well-defined muscles. His long black-to-minty hair clung to his shoulders and back, creating an ethereal and captivating image. She couldn't help but appreciate the beauty before her. Muichiro had always been attractive, but in this moment, he seemed like a work of art. His presence exuded confidence and a quiet strength that drew her gaze.

"Y/n, How come you're still awake?" Muichiro inquired, his gaze fixed on her. Water droplets lingered on his lashes, resembling tears, as they cascaded down to his chest, adding to the allure that captivated Y/n's attention.

"U-Um, I can't sleep." she stammered, her cheeks flushing slightly as her gaze trailed to his well-defined abs. He looked incredibly attractive in that moment.

"And I don't feel tired just yet," she explained, her eyes briefly scanning the surroundings, trying to divert her focus from him.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now