♠ Melancholy turmoil ♠

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As the raindrops fell gently around Tokito Muichiro, he continued to wander through the quiet landscape, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within him. The natural beauty surrounding him seemed to mirror his troubled thoughts, as if the world itself was attuned to his inner turmoil.

The birds' harmonious melody, once a soothing sound, now grated on his ears. The leaves descending in the wind appeared to him as a melancholic dance, their graceful descent mirroring the sinking feeling in his heart. The changing sky, once vibrant with an orange hue, now transformed into a somber gray, matching his unsettled state of mind.

Each droplet of rain that landed on his face seemed to echo his inner turmoil. He felt a sense of resentment towards the joy and motivation he sensed in your voice. He yearned to be the reason behind your happiness, to be the one who could bring a smile to your face and fill your heart with motivation.

Tokito Muichiro's mind was filled with a mixture of emotions—frustration, sadness, and a longing for connection. He continued to walk aimlessly, hoping that amidst the falling rain and changing landscape, he would find clarity and perhaps even a way to reconcile his own feelings.

"Do you think It'll go well?" He wished it wouldn't.

"I wonder if he feels the same." He hoped that person wouldn't.

"Ahh... I'm nervous." So was he.

His inner conflict intensified as he grappled with his emotions. He couldn't help but entertain the thought that things might not go well for you, even though deep down he knew he shouldn't wish for your misfortune. The selfish part of him desired for the circumstances to turn in his favor, to prevent any potential happiness you might find with someone else.

His hopes were tinged with a sense of trepidation. He wondered if the person you were involved with felt the same way about you, secretly yearning for their feelings to remain unrequited. The uncertainty gnawed at him, fueling his anxiety and adding to the complexity of his emotions.

As the rain continued to fall, his nervousness grew. The image of you smiling and being happy with someone else pained him. Despite being your friend, he struggled with the conflicting desire to protect his own heart from potential loss, even if it meant wishing against your happiness.

Muichiro clenched his teeth, silently battling the conflicting emotions within him. He recognized the selfishness in his thoughts and despised himself for it, aware of the agony it caused him to consider the possibility of losing you to someone else. However, he couldn't easily dismiss those feelings, as they were a manifestation of his deep affection for you and his fear of being left behind.

In this tumultuous state, he continued his aimless walk through the rain, hoping that somehow, he could find a way to reconcile his conflicting emotions and navigate the difficult path ahead, all while preserving his friendship with you.

You harbored feelings for another person, someone who wasn't him. It had been a realization he had come to terms with a while ago, understanding that your heart belonged elsewhere. Although he carried his own feelings deep within, he couldn't bring himself to confess them. He was aware that you saw him only as a friend, and while he desired something more, he feared that taking that leap could jeopardize the strong bond of friendship you had forged.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now