♠ Study Tactics ♠

509 19 13

It was a perfect day to unwind and embrace the bliss of relaxation. The gentle breeze, the warm sunrays create a soothing ambiance without being overwhelming, and the symphony of birdsong provides a peaceful soundtrack to the lazy day.

The tranquility of the surroundings creates an atmosphere that invites one to fully immerse yourself in the moment and surrender to the delightful laziness that beckons. It's moments like these that allow them to recharge and find solace in the simple pleasures of life.


It would've been perfect.


However, there is the issue of the stack of books...


Y/n blinked, momentarily startled by Muichiro's voice pulling her back to reality. She looked at him, lost in her daydream just before that. Muichiro's frown emphasized his disapproval, reminding her of their original purpose for being at the library.

"We did come to the library to study, remember?" Muichiro reminded her, his tone gentle yet firm.

Y/n sighed, her pout still evident on her face as her figure slouched as she rested her cheeks against the table, her eyes fixated on the serene view outside the library window.

"I know," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of longing. "But... look, it's so peaceful out there." Her words conveyed her lack of motivation to focus on their studies.

Muichiro sighed softly, understanding Y/n's longing for the peaceful scene outside the library. He glanced in the direction of the window and couldn't deny the allure of the serene world beyond the library walls. The sunlight filtering through the leaves, the gentle sway of the trees, and the sense of freedom that seemed to beckon.

"I know it's tempting," Muichiro conceded, his voice softening. "But you have to study, we have upcoming exams."

"... Mhm," Y/n responded, her gaze shifting towards Muichiro with a slight glare. She couldn't help but feel envious of his ability to maintain focus amidst the tempting allure of the tranquil atmosphere. She continued to pout, sitting up straight and casting a sidelong glance at the stack of books beside her.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now