♠ Pause Button ♠

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"Y/n," Muichiro's voice broke through your concentration, you tore your eyes away from the screen, momentarily frustrated by the interruption. The softness of the futon beneath you reminded you of the comfort of your surroundings, contrasting with the intensity of the game.

Your fingers still held the phone, but you shifted your attention to Muichiro, acknowledging his presence. His face held a hint of subtle plea for your undivided attention. But you were caught in the grip of the game's challenge in your phone, frustration tugged at your patience, but you couldn't bring yourself to give up.

"Not now, Mui." You said with a flat voice, laced with a hint of exasperation as you were absorbed back in the virtual realm. It was a reflexive dismissal, a defense mechanism against the interruption.

Muichiro's pout deepened, his mint eyes narrowing as he observed your unwavering focus on the game, he longed for your attention.

Driven by his desire to break through your absorbed state, Muichiro shifted even closer, hoping to catch your eye. His proximity was a subtle yet deliberate attempt to remind you of his presence, to disrupt the one-sided immersion in the virtual world.

"But Y/n, I'm bored," he murmured, his tone filled with a mix of longing and frustration as he softly complained.

But as the seconds ticked by without a response from you, Muichiro's frustration grew. His cheeks puffed up in a subtle display of childish annoyance, mirroring his inner turmoil.

"Y/n..." Muichiro whined, frustrated as he tried to capture your attention, he reached out to poke your shoulder.

Your response was a silent one. With your phone still held up towards the ceiling, you turned away from Muichiro, further distancing yourself from his attempts to engage with you.

"..." If only you could see the adorable expression of dejection on his face when you turned away.

He directed his glare towards the phone in your hands. His mint eyes narrowed with a childish glare, as if blaming the device for capturing your attention and obstructing the connection he craved.

In his eyes, the phone seemed almost mocking, as if it were an adversary stealing away the moments that could be shared between the two of you.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now