[Requested] ♠ Underneath the Moonlight ♠

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Yuichirou Tokitou x Reader

Not every member of the Demon Slayer Corps is involved in direct combat with demons. There are those who contribute in different ways, such as providing medical aid to injured slayers or offering support through shelter and basic necessities, a few providing financial support to the corps instead.

Y/n's family had a long-standing tradition of providing support to the Demon Slayer Corps, despite not engaging in direct combat themselves. Their contributions were invaluable in sustaining the operations of the Corps and ensuring that the demon slayers had the necessary resources to carry out their duties effectively.

One of the key ways Y/n's family supported the Corps was through financial means. They understood the financial strain that the Corps often faced, such as procuring weapons, medical supplies, and maintaining infrastructure. Y/n's family provided significant financial assistance, helping to fund these essential aspects of the Corps' operations. Their contributions allowed the demon slayers to focus on their mission without worrying about logistical challenges.

While it is a common practice for ordinary people to stay indoors during nighttime, Y/n's rare blood type, a Marechi, made her an exceptionally valuable target for demons. The unique properties of her blood made it highly desirable for demons seeking to increase their powers or enhance their abilities. Aware of the potential risks, Y/n took extra precautions to ensure her safety, especially during the night when demons were most active.

Because of this, usually a demon slayer was assigned to protect her as it will cause a huge problem if she had died from the hands of a demon. Their role was to neutralize any potential danger and prevent Y/n from falling into the hands of demons.

Due to her frequent encounters with the Mist Pillar, the older Tokito sibling named Yuichiro, she had developed a crush on him despite his stoic and cold demeanor. His enigmatic nature and formidable skills as a demon slayer intrigued her, even though he maintained a distance and gave her the cold shoulder. Y/n's outgoing and warm personality persisted, unaffected by Yuichiro's apparent disinterest.

"Yuichiro-san, how long have you been a demon slayer?" Y/n inquired, knowing well that it was a routine for her to ask him questions. Often, Yuichiro would either ignore her or provide the briefest answer possible, if he chose to respond at all.

"... For a while now," he replied.

Y/n couldn't help but feel a mix of disappointment and anticipation as Yuichiro responded with his usual brevity. However, she refused to let it discourage her. She took a deep breath, maintaining her cheerful demeanor, and continued the conversation.

"Wow, that must mean you have faced numerous demons and encountered many challenges along the way," Y/n remarked, her eyes sparkling with genuine interest. "Do you have any memorable experiences or battles that you'd be willing to share?"

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