[Requested] ♠ Melting Hearts ♠

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Tokito Twins x Reader

The school bell then rang, signaling the end of classes for the day, the classroom quickly filled with the noise of shuffling papers, scraping chairs, and chattering students. Some students hurriedly packed their bags and rushed out the door, eager to start their afternoon activities. Others stayed behind, taking their time to organize their belongings.

"Ugh, this heat is unbearable," Yuichiro complained, loosening his necktie to give his neck some relief.

"You're right, nii-san." Muichiro nodded, using his uniform sleeve to wipe the sweat from his forehead, "how about we grab some ice cream?"

Before Yuichiro could respond, Muichiro's gaze shifted to Y/n, who was sitting a few chairs away, packing her belongings into her bag. "We could invite Y/n to come with us," Muichiro suggested.

Yuichiro flinched at the suggestion, not because he was against the idea, but because he had never found the courage to ask Y/n out, despite both twins clearly admiring her.

"You don't want to?" Muichiro teased, a mischievous grin forming on his lips as he playfully looked at his older twin.

Yuichiro's eyes twitched in response, and he turned away, avoiding his brother's gaze. "You go ask her then," he replied, trying to hide his nervousness behind a nonchalant tone.

"Ah... You're shy for no reason, nii-san..." Muichiro muttered, his words audible enough for the older twin to hear. But before Yuichiro could react, Muichiro walked up to Y/n and gently tapped her shoulder.

Muichiro tapped Y/n's shoulder making her turn to face him with a curious expression. "Hey, Y/n," Muichiro began, trying to sound casual.

"Oh hey, Mui." Y/n smiled warmly, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong at all," Muichiro replied, returning her smile. "Actually, nii-san and I were thinking of grabbing some ice cream to cool off from this scorching heat. Would you like to join us?"

Y/n's eyes lit up with excitement at the invitation. "Oh, that sounds like a great idea! I'd love to come along," she happily accepted.

Yuichiro, who was trying his best to eavesdrop on their conversation, couldn't help but glance over at the exchange, though he had wanted to invite Y/n himself, he couldn't muster the courage to do so.

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