♠ Headcanons: Amusement Park ♠

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Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

* As soon as the park opens, he'd immediately invite you. it'll be a casual hang out for you but a date for him.

* You'd try out different games together and it would become a friendly competition, most of the time, he wins effortlessly.

* You would pout and playfully glare at him for every win of his, he can't deny finding it adorable.

* Yet, your triumphant smile after winning melts his heart, so he secretly lets you win sometimes (without you noticing).

* When you spot a good stall, he immediately drags you over to try and taste the foods.

* Muichiro enjoys how your face lights up with every bite.

* He would intentionally choose a different flavor from yours, just so he could have an excuse to eat food right from your hands.

* Especially with beverages, he would try to share from the same cup and straw with you if possible.

* Otherwise, he'd get another flavor and innocently ask, "Can I try yours?"

* To which, you would obliviously let him.

* Boom. Indirect kiss.

* After returning your drink, you nonchalantly take a sip from the same cup or straw, causing a small smile to form on the corner of his lips.

* He wouldn't forget to pull you onto every ride, even the ones that scare you.

* Muichiro knows you have a soft spot for him and he uses this to his advantage, using his puppy-dog eyes and a small pout, he convinces you with a playful "please~?"

* You simply can't refuse that cuteness and you would find yourself nodding at whatever shenanigans he had in mind.

* Each time, you'd regret falling for his tricks, finding yourself at the highest point of the roller coaster, screaming at the top of your lungs.

* Oh, he enjoys seeing you like that.

* He secretly enjoys seeing you scared and clinging to his arms during and after the rides.

* The best part is when you visit a horror house, and you cling not only to his arms but to his entire body for comfort and safety.

* With each fright, you'd let out a scream, seeking refuge by burying your face into his chest, as if finding a safe haven.

* You never let go of your intertwined hands; each time you'd grip his hand tighter or pull yourself closer to embrace him, it always tugs his heartstrings.

* You did it to calm yourself, but it caused his heart to race rapidly. He even worried that you might hear the loud thumping of his heart or notice the evident blush on his cheeks.

* Your closeness makes his heart race, but he tries to stay composed, savoring the moment.

* Nevertheless, the two of you would eventually escape from there, with you physically panting from all the scares, and him mentally fluttering from the closeness you shared during the thrilling experience.

* Knowing that you needed a moment to catch your breath and calm down, for your final stop, he would take you on a ride on the Ferris Wheel.

* As the slow and relaxing ride of the Ferris Wheel began, you couldn't help but gaze at the surrounding area with awe-filled eyes, mesmerized by the view.

* While you marvel at the view, he can't help but stare at you, captivated by your expressions.

* In a perfect moment, he musters up the courage to confess;

* "I love you."

* Whether you would widen your eyes in surprise as you processed his words or find the strength to reciprocate his profound feelings-

* Without hesitation, he most definitely would lean in, gently cupping your cheek, tilting his head to close the distance between your faces. As the world around you blurred, his lips met yours in the softest and most passionate kiss, whisking you away to cloud nine.


Artist: えい

Link; https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/56346868

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