[Requested] ♠ Heartwarming Surprises ♠

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Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

"Mui, look at this! Isn't it adorable?" Y/n exclaimed, pointing to an intricately designed necklace displayed by a vendor amidst their other accessories.

They were both strolling through town, taking a break from their usual routine, and while Y/n was hoping to find some delightful treats or anything that caught her eye and Muichiro simply wanted to cherish their time together.

So, yes it was a date.

Glancing over to her, Muichiro tilted his head, his mint-colored eyes examining the necklace Y/n had pointed out. "It looks lovely," he responded.

Y/n picked up the necklace and held it up against her neck, trying to envision how it would look on her. "Hmm, let me try it on," she said, turning to the vendor.

The vendor, a friendly elderly person, happily handed her a small mirror. Y/n carefully put on the necklace and admired herself in the mirror. "What do you think?" she asked Muichiro.

Muichiro's eyes sparkled as he looked at Y/n wearing the necklace. "It suits you beautifully," he said, genuinely appreciating how it added a touch of elegance to her appearance.

Y/n pouted and retorted, "You've been saying that for all the others too."

"I can't help it," Muichiro replied, a small smile forming on his lips as he looked at Y/n. His gaze held a genuine glint, leaving no doubt in his sincerity. "You look good in anything, Y/n."

Y/n's pout transformed into a smile, fluttered by Muichiro's heartfelt words. "Well, you're clearly biased," she teased playfully, playfully nudging him with her shoulder.

"I am biased when it comes to you," Muichiro replied simply, his words made Y/n's cheeks blush slightly, causing her to turn back to the vendor.

"If that's the case, we might just spend the whole day looking at things," Y/n remarked.

"I don't mind at all; I'm with you, after all," Muichiro replied, expressing his genuine contentment with their time together.

Y/n felt her cheeks warm up a bit, even though they had been together for a while now. His words still managed to make her heart flutter. Gathering her composure, she turned her attention back to the vendor, trying to hide her blushing face.

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