[Requested] ♠ Absurdities ♠

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A/N: This scene might deviate slightly from Muichiro's usual character, It was intended to add a comedic and parody element to the story, and hopefully it brought some laughter to you as well XD


Muichiro and Y/n were assigned to a joint mission aimed at unraveling the enigma surrounding the sudden disappearance of young individuals during the darkest hours of the night. Their objective was to investigate whether demons were responsible for these incidents and, if confirmed, eliminate the demonic threat.

As night descended upon them, they ventured into the eerie, desolate town, their senses heightened as they searched for any clues regarding the disappearances. The moon cast an ominous glow over the empty streets, adding to the air of unease that hung in the atmosphere.

The once vibrant and bustling town had transformed into a ghostly shell of its former self. Closed shutters and boarded-up windows hinted at the fear that had gripped the townsfolk, forcing them into seclusion.

The silence was broken only by the distant hooting of an owl and the soft rustling of leaves in the wind.

Suddenly, a faint whisper reached their ears. Muichiro and Y/n turned their heads simultaneously, trying to discern its source. The whisper seemed to be a mixture of fear and despair, as if carried on a haunting breeze.

As a demon emerged from the shadows, it launched an attack towards the two, but Muichiro and Y/n skillfully evaded its slashing claws. However, Y/n was caught off guard when the demon suddenly split into two. One of them swiftly moved towards her, forcefully covering her mouth with its hand.

Y/n's impulsive curiosity got the better of her as she wondered what demons tasted like. In a moment that could only be described as comically bizarre, she shifted her head, releasing the demon's grasp slightly, and took a daring bite at the hand covering her mouth.

Her impulsive and rather peculiar act of biting the demon's hand out of curiosity left everyone stunned. Both the demons and Muichiro stood there, frozen and utterly bewildered by what had just transpired.

Muichiro's hand remained poised at the hilt of his blade, forgotten in the face of the absurdity that had unfolded before him.

The demon whose hand Y/n had bitten pulled back in pain, staring at Y/n in a mixture of shock and confusion. It seemed utterly dumbfounded, as if struggling to process what had just happened. The other demon, witnessing the bizarre turn of events, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow—or at least its closest demonic equivalent to an eyebrow.

"Wait, did you just... bite the demon?" Muichiro finally managed to utter, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Y/n, realizing the absurdity of the situation, quickly snapped out of her momentary lapse in judgment. She spat out the demon's hand, wiping her mouth with a mix of confusion and embarrassment.

"Uh... Yeah, I guess curiosity got the best of me," Y/n sheepishly replied, trying to regain her composure.

The demons, still stunned and seemingly unsure of how to react, exchanged perplexed glances. Their menacing presence was momentarily shattered by this unexpected and comedic interlude.

Muichiro's sweat drop intensified, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of concern and amusement for his partner. Resuming his battle stance, he swiftly moved with lightning-fast speed, beheading both demons without a moment's hesitation.

As their lifeless bodies fell to the ground, their expressions of confusion remained etched on their faces, invoking a sense of sympathy from Muichiro.

"Y/n..." Muichiro glanced at her with a mix of worry and disbelief, questioning her sanity. "Are you sure you're alright? Biting demons out of curiosity is... well, not exactly the usual investigative technique."

Y/n, a sheepish grin spreading across their face, scratched the back of their head. "Sorry, Muichiro. I guess my curiosity got the better of me. But hey, in the face of danger, why not take a bite, right?"

Muichiro blinked, momentarily speechless. "What...?" Y/n's explanation left him utterly dumbfounded, his eyes widening in disbelief. He couldn't help but question the sanity of his partner as he tried to process the absurdity of the situation.

"What... in the name of all..." Muichiro stammered, his voice tinged with a mixture of concern and disbelief. "Taking a bite out of demons??"

Y/n shrugged nonchalantly, their sheepish grin never leaving their face. "Well, Muichiro, life is too short to let opportunities pass by. Who knows, maybe demons taste like a mix of cotton candy and rainbows. A demon's hand could be the new delicacy we've been missing out on!"

"..." Muichiro stared at Y/n with a mix of disbelief and incredulity, his mouth slightly agape. He sighed heavily and massaged his temples, as if trying to alleviate the headache induced by the sheer absurdity of the situation.

"Y/n, I never thought I'd find myself in a conversation about the culinary potential of demons' appendages," Muichiro deadpanned, his voice laced with concern. He shook his head, sighing dramatically as he came to a realization.

"Y/n, Perhaps, it's time we schedule a visit to the nearest medical professional. Just to be on the safe side."


I died out of laughter on this requested one.

You can request or have a conversation with me, or if you are interested in roleplaying, we can do that as well~

Muichiro Tokito does not belong to me as they are to the author of Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) which is not also credited to me.

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