[Requested] ♠ Love in Plain Sight ♠

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Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

Y/n and Muichiro were taking a short break, right before their next set of classes. Y/n swiped through her phone, her eyes darting across various posts, she suddenly came across a captivating image that caught her attention which caused her to pause and admire the image.

Meanwhile, Muichiro was fully immersed in his book, completely absorbed in the assignment he was striving to complete. His pen raced across the paper, his gaze fixed on the task at hand, as he simultaneously contemplated the correct answer and recorded it on the page.

After a few minutes, a soft "wow" escaped from Y/n's lips, briefly interrupting Muichiro's focus. He glanced over at her, noticing the look of astonishment on her face as she stared at the screen of her phone.

"Look, doesn't she look gorgeous?" Y/n inquired, displaying a photo of an exceptionally beautiful woman. Muichiro turned his attention towards Y/n, curiosity evident in his gaze as he looked at the photo she held up. As his eyes fell upon the image of the woman, he observed her features and tried to understand Y/n's perspective.

"She looks fine." He blinked and his brows furrowed slightly, unable to share the same level of agreement with her statement.

"Eh? Just fine?" Y/n repeated, examining the photo once more. "Mui, your standards must be quite high, huh?" Y/n playfully remarked, finding the woman to be incredibly beautiful. However, here he was, considering it merely as "fine."

Muichiro contemplated her remark, tilting his head slightly as if deep in thought. "Is that so? Perhaps I do have high standards," he responded, genuinely curious as he spoke.

His response made Y/n think that he might be taking her comment seriously. She quickly realized that her joke may have unintentionally made him doubt his own preferences, causing her to sweat drop in mild embarrassment. "No, no. I was just joking..."

Y/n's curiosity sparked a question in her mind, "Well, what exactly are your standards?" she asked.

Muichiro's gaze returned to the paper he had been reading, his mind momentarily lost in thought. Y/n's question caught him off guard, and he took a few seconds to gather his thoughts before responding.

Following a brief pause, he replied, "Someone who is kind, empathetic, treats everyone with respect, and looks beyond surface appearances. Someone with a gentle spirit."

"Oh..." Y/n's mouth slightly hung open, taken aback by his response. "That person sounds like a wonderful-"

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