[Requested] ♠ Tranquil Serenade ♠

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Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

Y/n found Muichiro gazing at the sky, seemingly lost in his thoughts. She approached him quietly, sitting down beside him without making her presence known. Curiosity getting the better of her, Y/n playfully poked his cheeks, bringing him back to reality. Muichiro's eyes widened, a hint of surprise in those minty orbs as he turned to look at Y/n.

"Mui, what are you doing?" Y/n inquired, tilting her head curiously as she gazed into his minty eyes.

"Y/n," Muichiro's gaze met hers, and his expression softened, displaying a sense of calm and familiarity in Y/n's presence. "I was just looking at the sky," he said softly, his voice carrying a gentle and serene tone.

"Cloud gazing again?" Y/n's soft chuckle drew a slight smile from him, and he nodded in response to her playful comment, returning his gaze to the drifting clouds, finding comfort in the simple act of it.

Y/n inched closer to him, she reached out to him, her fingers gently running through his unique, silky black to mint-hued hair, which she had always found intriguing. She loved the feeling of those strands slipping between her fingers, and often, she enjoyed running her fingers through them, untangling any knots with tender care.

Muichiro didn't flinch or pull away; instead, he seemed at ease with Y/n's gentle touch. He appreciated the gesture and her act of combing his hair felt soothing, like a subtle connection that transcended words.

Y/n continued to comb through Muichiro's hair, her touch became even more tender, and she started to massage his scalp gently. The sensation was incredibly soothing, causing Muichiro to lean back slightly, savoring the comforting feeling that washed over him. His eyes fluttered, feeling the pleasant effects of Y/n's touch.

With each stroke of her fingers through his hair, Muichiro's eyelids began to droop, a sense of relaxation enveloping him. The outside world seemed to fade away, leaving him completely immersed in the tranquil moment. His breaths became slower and more even, the tension in his muscles dissipating under her soothing ministrations.

Y/n couldn't help but softly chuckle as she noticed Muichiro's vulnerability and how her gentle touch seemed to affect him deeply. It was a recent discovery for her, realizing that there was a sensitive and soft spot in him, quite literally.

She found it endearing that such a simple act of massaging his scalp could seemingly 'switch off his brain,' bringing him to a state of blissful tranquility. He couldn't even hide the soft noises of contentment escaping his lips, akin to a cat's purring, Muichiro's lashes continued to flutter, he found himself on the verge of dozing off, the serenity of the moment lulling him into a peaceful drowsiness.

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