♠ Feline (Part 1) ♠

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A/N: This content might be considered PG-13, I had to divide it into two parts because it exceeded the usual limit I set for each chapter.


Y/n and Tokito Muichiro had been acquainted for quite some time. They had been in the same class for nearly three years, but it wasn't until they were assigned to be partners on a task that they truly began to interact.

Living alone was proving to be difficult for Y/n, not because of the tasks and responsibilities that came with it, but because of the constant feeling of loneliness. She had to adjust to a solitary lifestyle and rely solely on herself.

Y/n had a companion in the form of a blue feline, whom she fondly called her own. The cat kept her company throughout the day, especially since she lived alone. Being alone often led to loneliness, but having the cat around made things more bearable. After school, Y/n would sometimes invite Muichiro over to her place to hang out.

Y/n opened the front door of her apartment with a smile, announcing her return. Muichiro followed behind her and they were greeted by a warm meow coming from her cat who was waiting for them at the entrance.

"Have you been a good girl?" Y/n asked as she took off her shoes and knelt down. She stretched her palm towards her blue cat, who nuzzled against her touch, and Y/n couldn't help but squeal at the cuteness.

Y/n proceeded to stand up and adjust the curtains and blinds in preparation for the evening, as it was starting to get dark outside. As she did so, her blue feline gazed up at Muichiro, his mint-colored eyes glanced down, seeing the cat as if requesting something. He responded with a small smile, patting the cat, who let out a welcoming meow in return.

She sneakily stole a glance at the him, enjoying at the sight at how Muichiro's gaze softened. Y/n found herself attracted to his unique personality. Although he appeared cold and detached on the outside, she discovered that he was actually warm and caring on the inside.

"She really likes you more than me." Y/n remarked, her cat seemed to have taken a liking to Muichiro, as she observed how the feline was becoming fonder of him with each visit. Despite this, she couldn't help but feel a bit envious, wishing she could receive the same amount of attention from him as her pet did.

"I doubt that." Muichiro replied.

The room was filled with soft lighting, casting a warm and inviting glow that immediately put them at ease. The comfortable armchairs and couches beckoned them to sink in and relax. The faint smell of coffee beans in the air added to the homely atmosphere. The absence of any tension or stress made them feel comfortable and secure, like they were in a safe haven. The soothing silence completed the calming ambiance, making them feel like they were wrapped in a warm, comforting embrace.

Y/n placed the freshly brewed coffee on the table, and Muichiro sat on the carpet right next to it, placing his bag beside him. "Thanks," he said.

Whenever Y/n was around, Muichiro felt an unusual sense of letting his guard down. As a demon exterminator, he was always on high alert and had honed his swordsmanship skills to their limits. But with Y/n, it felt like he could completely let his guard down. Her presence had a calming effect on him, and he felt a sense of peace around her.

He took pride in witnessing a different aspect of Y/n's personality, as she appeared gentle and elegant on the outside, but she also possessed a mischievous side that she only revealed to him. He found this sense of exclusivity appealing.

"Meow!" Her cat playfully growled as Y/n tickled its belly, causing her to break into small laughs. Though the feline appeared to be aggressive, trying to bite her hand, Y/n was quick to pull it away before it could do any harm. "Ahaha~"

The cat went to Muichiro and started to purr and nuzzle its face onto his lap. Muichiro was surprised but responded by giving the cat some affection. Y/n couldn't help but pout, feeling jealous of how the cat was getting Muichiro's attention.

'Is he like that because it's a cat?'

Y/N came up with an idea and mimicked a cat by raising one hand like a paw and lowering the other, tilting her head and making an attempt to look cute with her eyes, while saying "M-Meow~". She knew that this action could possibly make her look silly and undermine her dignity.

Y/n couldn't help but feel embarrassed at her childish actions, she looked up at him, hoping he wouldn't think she was too weird or childish. She was met with a pair of widened mint eyes, blinking confusingly at her antics.

And at that moment, she regretted it.

Tokito couldn't help but lowly laugh at Y/N's playful act, finding it amusing and entertaining. "Well, I think you make a pretty convincing cat, Y/N," he said, chuckling. "But I'm not sure if all cats make that cute of a face."

"Wha-" Y/N was surprised by his words and wondered how he could say something like that with a straight face. Despite this, she noticed that his demeanor remained the same, except for a laugh which had become common between them.

Y/N expressed her embarrassment and covered her mouth before turning away from Muichiro. She had a slight pink tint on her cheeks due to the embarrassment caused by his words. Muichiro chuckled at her reaction and playfully ruffled her hair.

Y/n couldn't help but steal glances at Muichiro, feeling the warmth of his hand and the tenderness of his gaze. It was clear that he regarded her as something precious and valuable, and she found that incredibly endearing. She was drawn to the way he expressed himself, and she wondered what other emotions he was capable of showing. Muichiro's charm had her a bit lost in thought.

Y/n thought of a playful idea to get closer to Muichiro. She crouched down with one hand on the floor, using her other hand like a paw. She then moved closer to Muichiro until their faces were only a few inches apart. Y/n then purred and said "Meow~" in a cute attempt to be playful, but she felt herself blushing from the close proximity to him.

She attempted to mimic a cat, but it appeared that her actions were unintentionally alluring Tokito.

Tokito blushed as Y/n got closer, her playful meows now sounding more like purring. He could feel her breath on his face, sending shivers down his spine. Y/n's playful cat imitation seemed to have unintentionally caught Muichiro's attention in a different way. Instead of finding it amusing, he found himself drawn to her as she leaned in closer to him. He couldn't help but notice how cute she looked, with her hand mimicking a paw and her soft purring. He felt a strange sensation in his chest as he looked at her, and he couldn't look away.

Y/n was surprised by the sight, as she observed the blush on his cheeks. She found it intriguing that the once cold and strong-looking Tokito Muichiro that she first met was now melting in such a manner. It captivated her attention.

Who wouldn't? He looked vulnerable right now.

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