♠ Endearing Mishaps ♠

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Yuichirou Tokitou x Reader

The rustling of papers filled the council office, the council members found themselves engrossed in their duties. The responsibilities of being student council members were demanding, and they often had to juggle multiple tasks and events simultaneously. They had to organize school events, address student concerns, manage paperwork, and make important decisions for the student body.

Y/n, the student council president, tried to maintain a calm and focused demeanor despite the mounting pressure, she sat in her cubicle, managing the flood of paperwork that constantly found its way to her desk. She diligently read through each report, making sure to give proper attention to every detail. Her signature held authority, and she knew that her approval carried the council's stamp of legitimacy.

Taking a moment to relax, Y/n allowed herself a brief respite. The soft cushion of her chair provided a small comfort amid the chaos of the council office. She closed her eyes for a moment, taking deep breaths to clear her mind and ease the tension that had built up in her body.

Gently massaging her knuckles and the back of her neck, Y/n tried to release some of the stress that had accumulated from the constant flipping of papers and signing documents.

The continuous hour of focused work had taken its toll on Y/n as she leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, she sought a moment of respite. The silence in the office allowed her to take a deep breath, trying to alleviate the growing headache.

The strain in her eyes and the headache that had crept up were clear signs that she needed a break. Y/n stood up from her cubicle, the office was empty as everyone had their own errands to run. It was their busiest week, so it wasn't unusual for her to be one of the last ones remaining.

Making her way to the break room, she was greeted by the array of snacks was laid out on the table, offering a momentary escape from the hectic workload. She appreciated the small perks the student council provided to help them recharge during their busiest times.

Y/n poured herself a cup of coffee from the coffee maker, as the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, the warmth comforting her tired mind. As she sipped the invigorating brew, she allowed herself to relax for a few moments. The break room offered a temporary sanctuary away from the papers and responsibilities that awaited her in the council office.

She leaned against the counter, briefly closing her eyes in an attempt to alleviate the strain on her tired eyes. Just then, the door leading outside the council office creaked open, causing her to snap her eyes open and gaze in that direction.

Y/n saw Yuichiro entering the office. He had a stack of papers in his hand, indicating that he had been busy with his own set of tasks. Yuichiro glanced at her direction.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now