♠ Tender Bites ♠

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You and Muichiro sat down to eat, just as you usually do. Facing each other, you opened your lunch boxes and began to savor the flavors of the homemade meal.

You noticed that Muichiro wasn't eating, his gaze fixed on a distant point. Your curiosity piqued, and you followed his line of sight, trying to understand what had captured his attention. Even though you focused your gaze, you didn't realize that Muichiro's mint-colored eyes were fixated on another couple some distance away.

You noticed Muichiro's distant gaze and his apparent disinterest in his own lunch. Concerned for his well-being, you tilted your head and gently asked, "Mui, you okay?"

He blinked a few times, seemingly brought back to the present by your voice, and shifted his gaze towards you. Muichiro's eyes met yours briefly before he looked down at his untouched lunch. His silence and lack of appetite prompted you to inquire further.

"Do you not like your food?" you asked, wondering if that was the reason for his detachment. You couldn't help but feel a pang of worry, hoping that everything was alright with him.

"Well... Want to try the onigiri I have? I placed a different filling in each of them." You suggested, revealing an assortment of onigiri with various fillings. Each one was carefully crafted and looked enticing.

"Mhm." He nodded in response to your question, and you slid the box closer to him.

You watched Muichiro's actions with a sense of confusion, noticing his detachment. His behavior was unusual, and you couldn't help but feel a bit perplexed, he simply stared at the box without reaching for it, you blinked in confusion, not quite understanding his reluctance.

His expectant eyes, shifting between you and the onigiri, made your eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Feed me." Muichiro finally said, and the words hung in the air, causing your face to flush with a mixture of surprise, fluster, and a hint of embarrassment. The request caught you completely off guard, and you struggled to find the right words to respond.


A mix of emotions swirled within you. On one hand, you were bewildered by his sudden request, unsure of how to interpret it. On the other hand, there was a part of you that couldn't help but find his straightforwardness endearing, even if it was unexpected.

After a momentary pause, your cheeks tinged with a blush, you stuttered, "Uh, um, Muichiro... Are you sure? I mean, is that what you really want?" Your voice carried a blend of flustered surprise and uncertainty.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now