♠ Heatwaves ♠

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"It's so hot..." Perspiration dripped down your brow, despite your repeated attempts to wipe it away. Frustration mounting, you leaned back and rested your hand on the tatami floor for stability. Swinging your legs while seated on the porch, you tried to shift your focus away from the oppressive heat.

As you sat on the porch, desperately seeking relief from the scorching heat, you gazed out into the distance. The air shimmered with the intensity of the sun's rays, and the world seemed to be sweltering in unison with you. The sky stretched out above you, a vast expanse of clear blue, devoid of any clouds that could potentially bring respite.

You longed for the cool touch of raindrops on your skin, the refreshing sound of droplets hitting the ground, and the earthy scent that accompanies a summer shower. The idea of being transformed into a puddle of ice cream seemed like a welcomed alternative to the current state of affairs.

The tatami floor beneath you offered some relief, its coolness seeping through your hand as you pressed it against the woven straw mat. You closed your eyes briefly, trying to escape the oppressive heat, and instead imagined yourself standing under a gentle rain shower, feeling the water cascading over your body, washing away the discomfort.

As beads of sweat continued to form on your forehead your frustration grew as the heat intensified. The darkened spots on your uniform were an unwelcome reminder of the perspiration saturating your body. The discomfort seemed to gnaw at your patience, fueling your annoyance with each passing moment.

Without thinking, you grabbed the fabric of your uniform and started fanning yourself, using it as a makeshift tool to generate some semblance of air movement. Pulling and releasing the cloth in a continuous cycle, you hoped to create a refreshing breeze against your overheated skin.

The repetitive motion of fanning became almost hypnotic, a desperate attempt to alleviate the oppressive heat that seemed determined to engulf you. Your glare intensified, directed at no one in particular, as if blaming the sun itself for its relentless assault.

Despite your efforts, the relief was fleeting, as the hot air stubbornly clung to your surroundings. The sweltering heat persisted, refusing to be subdued by your makeshift cooling methods. Frustration mingled with resignation as you realized that, for now, you were at the mercy of the relentless summer sun.

"Y/n, here." Startled by the voice calling your name, you turned to find Muichiro, the Mist Hashira, standing behind you. He held out a cup of ice cream in one hand, a welcome sight that instantly captured your attention. In his other hand, he carried a plastic container with a refreshing drink.

"Wah..." Your eyes lit up with delight at the sight of the cool treats, a much-needed relief from the sweltering heat.

Without hesitation, you reached out and took the cup of ice cream, savoring the first lick as it melted on your tongue. "Aah... That's better." The cold sweetness brought instant gratification, soothing your parched throat and momentarily reviving your spirits.

"Thank you, I felt like melting into a puddle just now." You expressed your gratitude. Muichiro nodded in understanding, acknowledging the shared struggle of enduring the scorching temperatures. As he sat beside you, he removed his long sleeves, revealing a white buttoned up t-shirt soaked in sweat, a testament to the unforgiving heat.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now