[Requested] ♠ Interrupted Moments ♠

551 16 12

Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

The scenery around them was breathtaking, the sky painted with a mesmerizing shade of orange, casting a warm glow over everything while the white clouds floated lazily, creating intricate patterns against the vibrant backdrop.

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of nearby trees, offering a soothing touch against their skin. It carried with it a delicate fragrance, a blend of flowers in full bloom that perfumed the air. The sweet scent mixed with the earthy aroma of the grass, creating a comforting atmosphere.

Y/n and Muichiro sat down on the blanket spread across the grass, leaning back, Y/n felt the softness of the blanket beneath her. She gazed up at the sky, marveling at the tranquil beauty that surrounded them. Muichiro sat beside her, a peaceful expression on his face that reflected the serenity of the moment.

Muichiro began unpacking the picnic basket, revealing an assortment of delicious treats. Colorful fruits, freshly baked bread, and a variety of cheeses adorned the spread. Y/n's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she reached for a juicy strawberry and offered it to Muichiro, who accepted it with a small smile.

"It's surprisingly sweet," Muichiro commented, chewing on the strawberry. Y/n chuckled and grinned at him.

"Exactly, just like how surprisingly sweet you were to plan this picnic," she said, playfully poking Muichiro's cheeks.

Muichiro's cheeks tinged with a faint blush as Y/n poked them, but he couldn't help but smile at her playful comment. He looked into her eyes, his own sparkling with affection.

"Well, I had to do something special for someone as special as you," Muichiro replied, his voice soft but filled with sincerity.

Y/n's grin widened at his words, her heart fluttering with warmth. She leaned closer, their noses almost touching, and whispered, "Aww~ and you, Muichiro, is the sweetest surprise in my life."

Muichiro widened his eyes at Y/n's heartfelt words, surprised by the depth of her affection, A warm blush spread across his cheeks, his gaze softening that added a touch of color to his usually calm demeanor.

Tenderly gazing at her, he mustered a soft chuckle, unable to hide the fondness in his eyes. With a gentle flick of his finger, he playfully tapped Y/n's forehead, a silent acknowledgment of her endearing way with words, "you and your words."

Y/n couldn't help but giggle as Muichiro flicked her forehead gently. She reached up to rub the spot playfully, her eyes filled with mirth.

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