♠ Rainy Embrace ♠

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As you sat on the cold floor, the sound of raindrops tapping against the window created a soothing melody. The coldness of the floor beneath you seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of comfort and serenity. You embraced the coolness as a welcome contrast to the warmth of your thoughts.

The soft pitter-patter mixed with occasional thunder created a symphony of nature's elements. You felt a sense of tranquility wash over you, as if the rain had a calming effect on your soul.

Gray clouds stretched across the sky, casting a shadow over the landscape, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of dusk. The diffused sunlight filtered through the darkened clouds, casting a gentle, muted glow on the world outside. The rain made everything appear fresh and vibrant, as if it were breathing life into the surroundings.

You let your gaze wander, observing the raindrops as they slid down the glass, leaving streaks in their wake. The window had fogged up, adding a touch of mystery to the scene outside. It felt as though you were watching the world from a hidden sanctuary, a place where time seemed to stand still.

Turning to your side, you were pleasantly surprised to see Muichiro standing beside you, his presence bringing a sense of warmth to the already cozy atmosphere. He held out a mug, and as soon as you caught a whiff of the familiar aroma, you knew it was your favorite hot chocolate for rainy seasons.

A smile spread across your face as you accepted the mug from Muichiro's hands. The warmth emanating from the ceramic vessel seeped into your cold fingertips, instantly providing a comforting contrast to the shivering temperature of the room. You cradled the mug in your hands, feeling its heat radiating through your palms.

As you brought the mug closer to your mouth, you couldn't help but inhale deeply, savoring the sweet and rich aroma of the hot chocolate. Muichiro had paid attention to your preferences, knowing exactly what drink would bring you comfort on a rainy day. The scent alone seemed to lift your spirits, filling the air with a delightful sweetness.

You blew gently on the steaming liquid, watching wisps of steam rise and disappear into the air. The warmth of the mug traveled up your hands and spread throughout your body, chasing away any lingering traces of coldness. The anticipation built within you as you prepared to take your first sip, knowing that the velvety smoothness and decadent flavor of the hot chocolate would envelop your senses.

Muichiro observed you with concern, his gaze filled with care and affection. "Aren't you cold on the floor?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine worry. He wanted to ensure your comfort, even in the midst of your serene moment.

You shook your head, a contented smile playing on your lips. "Not at all," you reassured him, your voice soft and filled with gratitude.

You glanced up at Muichiro, a sparkle of appreciation in your eyes. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice filled with warmth.

With the mug still cradled in your hands, you took a careful sip, allowing the velvety liquid to envelop your taste buds. The familiar taste of rich chocolate mingled with a hint of sweetness, bringing a sense of indulgence and satisfaction.

"Do you want a blanket?" Muichiro asked taking the nearby folded blanket, you nodded eagerly, appreciating his thoughtfulness and wanting to further enhance the cozy atmosphere.

Then, Muichiro's gaze lingered on you for a moment, his expression appearing slightly contemplative. It made you curious, causing you to tilt your head in a mannerism you had picked up from him. You wondered what might be going through his mind, but before you could voice your confusion, he shifted his attention back to the blanket.

Assuming that Muichiro would keep the blanket for himself, you were pleasantly surprised when he unselfishly wrapped it around your back, adjusting it to ensure your comfort. His actions reflected his caring nature and his desire to make you feel warm and cozy.

"How about you?" Muichiro didn't reply verbally. Instead, he moved to sit behind you, encircling your waist with his arms, pulling you into a comforting embrace. You could feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest against your back, a soothing rhythm that synchronized with the peaceful ambiance of the rainy scene.

As you leaned back into his embrace, you felt a sense of security and serenity. His presence wrapped around you, providing a shield against the outside world. The rhythmic sound of raindrops on the windowpane and the soothing ambiance of the room seemed to harmonize with the beating of your heart.

A gentle blush spread across your cheeks, tinting them a soft pink. The way he pulled you closer, with his neck gently resting atop your head, created a cozy and intimate atmosphere that sent a warm flutter through your heart.

You felt the tender brush of his lips against the crown of your head, his affectionate gesture causing a radiant smile to grace your lips. The soft sensation of his kiss, combined with the comforting embrace, created a moment of pure bliss. It was as if his affectionate act had the power to brighten not just your cheeks, but your entire being.

"I don't need a blanket. I have you." The words he spoke filled your heart with warmth and joy, his simple statement carried profound meaning, emphasizing the depth of his feelings.

As your cheeks retained their rosy hue, you turned your head slightly, snuggling deeper into Muichiro's embrace. You whispered softly, your voice filled with love and gratitude, "And I have you too. That's all I need."

Time seemed to stand still as you embraced the serenity of the moment, cherishing the connection you shared with Muichiro. In his arms, you found peace, contentment, and a love that made every rainy day feel like a treasure.


I'm amazed that the book has already reached a thousand views. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for all the support I've received. I'd like to give special mentions to Imailan, sh-t_sticks, Muiisamazing, and Ka1toSpiderdem0n for their unwavering support throughout this one shot. 

Thank you for following me and for adding the book into your reading lists! Your encouragement means the world to me, and I am truly grateful. Thank you; everyone, for your incredible support~ ♥

Muichiro Tokito from Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) isn't credited to me. 

The photos used will and shall never belong to me; the artist's link is: by https://twitter.com/hana_ni_nare_

Go check out their amazing works!

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