[Requested] ♠ Playful Exchange ♠

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A/N: In a way, the plot here is a bit different as Y/n and Muichiro are siblings and that Shinobu and Y/n are in a romantic relationship. It is a platonic one shot, if you are uncomfortable with it, please skip it~ 


"Do you think nee-san would like this?" Muichiro questioned, gesturing towards a pendant that appeared too large for a woman to wear. Shinobu responded with a smile, shaking her head softly.

"She doesn't prefer extravagant accessories," Shinobu replied, using hand gestures to direct Muichiro's attention to some simpler bracelets displayed at the vendor stand. Muichiro leaned forward, examining the accessories with interest. Muichiro examined the simple bracelets that Shinobu had pointed out, his gaze focused on their design and craftsmanship. He carefully considered whether Y/n would appreciate them.

Shinobu couldn't help but chuckle softly, finding it endearing how Muichiro, despite being Y/n's younger brother, was struggling to find a suitable present for her. His usual absent-mindedness had caused him to forget what Y/n liked, but he still had the sincere desire to buy something for his older sister. After all, who knew Y/n better than him? Except, Shinobu as Y/n's girlfriend.

"These bracelets seem more understated and elegant," Muichiro remarked, voicing his thoughts. "I think nee-san would prefer something like this. It's not too flashy but still beautiful."

Shinobu nodded in agreement. "Yes, I believe she would appreciate the simplicity and subtlety of these bracelets. They would complement her style well."

Muichiro gently picked up one of the bracelets and turned it in his hand, admiring the delicate details. "I think I'll get her one of these."

"Do you plan on wrapping them out?" Shinobu asked.

Muichiro pondered Shinobu's question, considering the possibility that Y/n might not be at home when they returned. He wanted to surprise her with a beautifully wrapped gift, but the uncertainty gave him pause.

After a moment of contemplation, Muichiro replied, his voice gentle. "I do have gift wrappers at home, but I'm not sure if nee-san is there at the moment. It might be best if we wait until we know for sure before wrapping the gift."

Muichiro reached into his pocket and retrieved his phone, dialing Y/n's number. After a few rings, her older sister answered the call.

"Oh, hey Mui!" Her voice came through the phone, accompanied by some muffled voices in the background, indicating she might be outside.

"Are you home right now?" he inquired, holding the phone close to his ear to catch Y/n's response. Shinobu leaned in slightly, trying to listen in as well.

"Nope, I'm not. Why?" Y/n returned a question. Muichiro felt a sense of relief as Y/n confirmed that she wasn't at home. It meant he could proceed with wrapping the gift without worrying about spoiling the surprise.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now