[Special] ♠ Sweet Surprises ♠

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As Y/n sat in her dimly lit room, the atmosphere seemed heavy with the weight of her weariness. The ticking clock on the wall echoed in her ears, further adding to her annoyance. She longed for a change of scenery, to escape the confines of her room and find inspiration elsewhere.

Leaning on her study table, Y/n placed her elbow down and rested her chin on her palm, her gaze fixed on the moonlight streaming in through the window. The moon shone brightly against the darkened sky, its soft glow casting an ethereal ambiance in the room. The absence of stars only accentuated the moon's prominence, leaving Y/n with a sense of solitude.

Her tired eyes reflected a lack of motivation, a weariness that seeped into her very being. The stack of notebooks and papers on her table, filled with meticulous notes and reviewers, served as a constant reminder of the tasks and responsibilities that awaited her. Yet, in that moment, they seemed mundane and uninspiring.

Y/n yearned for something more, a spark to reignite her passion and drive. She craved a break from the monotony, a chance to escape the confines of her room and explore the world beyond. The silence in the room was only broken by the faint rustling of pages and an occasional sigh that escaped her lips.

As the sound of her alarm clock pierced the stillness of the room, Y/n's gaze shifted from the moonlit night to the digital numbers glowing on the clock. The realization struck her: it was her birthday. A mix of emotions flooded her thoughts, ranging from excitement to disappointment.

She couldn't help but pout, feeling a sense of frustration at the timing of her special day. While she longed to celebrate and indulge in the joyous moments that birthdays bring, her responsibilities and the stack of papers and reviewers demanded her attention. The weight of her work seemed to press down on her shoulders, overshadowing the potential festivities that awaited her.

'If I had a dollar in every sigh, I'd be a millionaire by now.' She whimsically thought.

As Y/n rested her head on the table, her frown deepened, and the pout remained plastered on her face. She felt trapped in a cycle of monotony and responsibilities, unable to fully embrace the joy she desired on her birthday. The weight of disappointment lingered, threatening to dampen her spirits further.

Just as she reached a momentary state of resignation, her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a distinct knock at her window. The unexpected sound jolted her out of her reverie, and her eyes snapped open, searching for the source of the disturbance.

Uncertain if her ears were playing tricks on her, she cautiously approached the window, her steps hesitant. With a gentle pull of the curtain, she revealed the outside world, hoping to identify the cause of the persistent noise.

To her surprise, there stood Muichiro, his head slightly tilted as he peered in from the other side of the window. Y/n's eyes widened in astonishment, a mix of confusion and recognition crossing her face. She blinked, momentarily speechless, before a smile of recognition slowly formed. Muichiro, finding a way to bring a touch of excitement to her birthday.

Despite her room being on the second floor, Muichiro had effortlessly and silently climbed the tree near her window, determined to surprise her. His presence alone was enough to uplift her spirits and infuse a sense of wonder into her mundane day.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now