♠ Crowd's Gaze ♠

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Muichiro's popularity at the academy was undeniable, and it was largely due to his distinctive appearance. His long and unique black to mint color hair strands set him apart from the crowd and made him easily recognizable. This striking feature made him a subject of interest and curiosity among his peers.

Furthermore, his well-built figure also contributed to his popularity. He possessed remarkable physical strength and athleticism, even though he himself may not have been fully aware of it. Many admired his abilities and found him inspiring, which further added to his appeal.

In addition to his appearance, Muichiro's aloof and distant demeanor added a certain charm to his personality. His reserved nature and mysterious aura intrigued others, leaving them curious to unravel the depths of his character. This enigmatic quality seemed to captivate people, particularly girls, who were drawn to the challenge of getting to know him better.

Despite his distant demeanor with others, Muichiro displayed a different side of himself when it came to Y/n. He had a softer and more gentle nature that he reserved exclusively for those he was close to, and Y/n was one of the few individuals who had the privilege of experiencing this side of him.

Muichiro's soft and gentle nature towards Y/n was evident in the way he treated her. He was considerate of her feelings and well-being, often going out of his way to ensure her comfort. He would offer a helping hand whenever she needed assistance and would listen attentively to her thoughts and concerns.

His favoritism towards Y/n was evident to the entire class, and he was completely indifferent to the attention and judgments of others. Their opinions held no significance to him, as he genuinely couldn't care less about what they thought of their relationship.

One day as Y/n strolled through the empty hallway, enjoying a moment of solitude, her tranquility was abruptly disrupted when she was forcefully pulled into a corner. Her back collided against the wall, leaving her startled and off guard.

Staring back at her, Y/n recognized the person who had confronted her, one of the individuals who had often directed glares towards her, probably due to her connection with Muichiro. It was clear that they harbored resentment and frustration towards Y/n, fueled by their perceived intrusion into Muichiro's affections.

"You've got some nerve leeching like that to Tokito," they accused, their words laced with animosity. The sudden confrontation made it evident that their feelings of envy had reached a boiling point.

"'Leeching'?" Y/n frowned a bit, taken aback by the their accusation and the term that had been directed at her. She genuinely couldn't understand why she would be labeled as such and felt confused about the accusations being hurled at her.

"Don't pretend to be oblivious. It's clear that you're only clinging to him because he's popular, trying to dip on his wave of popularity."

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now