29. The Gerudo Desert

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Wowie it has been a WHILE huh. More than 2 years. Anyways uhhhh,,, how bout that new game? Tears of the Kingdom? (where, SPOILER, Sidon has a fiance and he's abandoned us lmao)

the new game inspired me to continue. i've got plans for this story, don't y'all worry :)


"I have fought in hundreds of battles, I have defeated countless amounts of monsters, I battled a horrifying beast from the depths of my nightmares known as Calamity Ganon and won , but this heat is going to be the death of me."

Sandy dunes were all your eyes could see for miles upon miles. You'd only just left Kara Kara Bazaar, but the heat of the desert made every second within it feel like an eon. Lifting your hand, you flick sweat off of your forehead and grunt as you trudge through the sand.

If horses were fit to travel in such conditions, you'd be on Persephone's back right this instant, but sand was not something you were keen to torture your horse with. Instead, you'd left her and Storm in the care of the canyon stable.

"I can see Gerudo Town in the distance, it won't be long now," Zelda replies, but you can tell the heat is getting to her as well.

Back in Kakariko village, you'd left your Zora armor in the safe hands of Impa, exchanging it for your trusty Champion tunic. You'd assumed it'd be light enough for the desert, but you'd forgotten exactly how humid it could be during the day, and even your airy tunic wasn't enough to stay cool.

"I'm going to have to buy some of that vai clothing they sell in town," you grumble, tugging at your collar and grimacing at how the cloth fabric stuck to your body, "anyways, what's the plan once we arrive?"

"Well, I've scheduled a meeting with Chief Riju, once inside town we'll have to wait until we've been presented to her to propose her training in becoming a pilot," the princess begins to explain as she marches along side you, "I do predict a handful of complications that may arise however. First of all, Riju is still quite young, and I'm unsure if she or her guardians will be comfortable with her assuming this position. Second, it may be harder for us to strike a deal with the Gerudo than it was one hundred years ago. Urbosa was a dear friend to my mother and treated me as if I were her own kin, but Riju is not a descendent of Urbosa. Urbosa had no heirs when she passed away, from what Impa explained to me Riju is the great-granddaughter of a relative Urbosa. I believe they were cousins? This relative was made chief after Urbosa's sudden passing at the height of the calamity."

You nod along as you listen, "her guards are very protective of her, especially Buliara, that's the one who accompanies her most. Ever since her mother passed she's been under pretty much constant supervision."

The two of you discuss strategy as you walk through the dunes, planning various ways to suggest the position of pilot to Riju and ways to convince her guardians as well. The sight of the entrance to Gerudo Town is a welcome one, and you wave at the two guards who stand to protect it.

One of them waves back, the other simply stands with both her hands on her spear, not even bothering to look at you or the princess.

'Strange...' you wonder, an uneasy feeling bubbling in the back of your mind.

As you near the town, you can already hear the lively sounds of the market, and the scent of food begins to waft towards you. Feet away from the entrance, though, you jut your arm out in front of the princess to stop her.

"Whatever is the matter?" she asks, clearly anxious to get within the perimeter of the town.

"Something feels wrong..." you mutter, "something's off."

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