38. Baited

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Been a little while :0 so sorry for the lack of updates this month, I've been mad busy. To make up for it, this chapter is about 2k words longer than normal

CW: Blood, injury, drowning


You can feel your heart begin to pound in your chest. Your eyes are frantic as you watch the scene unfold before you. In the city below you watch as the Goron become panicked, children running in fear as adults panic and attempt to usher them to safety. You feel Zelda shake your arm.

"We must get everyone to safety!" she shouts beside you.

You nearly lose your footing once more as the rumbling of the ground increases. Your expression is stern as you turn to face Yunobo. "Get down to the city and make sure everyone gets inside their homes. I'm going to take the princess to Bludo's house," you instruct him, "once we get everyone inside, you and I are going to go up to Rudania and investigate."

The young descendant nods, his hair bouncing. "On it!" he replies, running off and rolling into a boulder to get down to the city faster.

Zelda takes your hand and together you run off of the bridge. The rocky ground is uneven and you do your best to keep yourselves from tumbling right off the edge. You hug the wall of the cliff as you scale downwards, praying to the goddesses that no flaming rock should come down and crush you both.

Once your boots land on the metal walkway of the city you sprint. You see Bludo outside the front of his home, ushering a younger Goron inside to safety.

"Princess!" the elder shouts, "get inside!"

Both you and Zelda reach the shelter of his house. You pant for air as you look around, noticing a few other Goron huddled inside as well. The building shakes and trembles as another screech from the Divine Beast rings through the air. Concern laces your features, and then you feel a tug at your leg.

You look down and see a young Goron clutching onto your leg, his eyes wide with fear. "My friend is still out there," he says, casting a worried gaze outside.

A frown etches its way onto your face and you glance over at Zelda. She nods, reading your expression. You kneel down and hold the child's hand, his skin rough and rock-like. "I'll go out there and find him, okay? What's his name?"

He nods, his bottom lip trembling, "it's Offrak."

You give him a smile before standing at full height once more. You unhook the shield from your back and grip it tightly. "I'll be back," you announce, "everyone, stay here until this is over."

Another rumble shakes the ground beneath you as you run outside. You call out Offrak's name, desperately searching for the young Goron. The metal bridge above the lava flow wobbles precariously as you dash across it. The heat in the air is more intense than ever, you feel the sweat drip down your back. You know that your elixir will be running out soon.

You can practically feel the heat of the ground through your boots. Another strong shake of the ground brings you to your knees, and you hiss as you scrape your palms against the sharp rock. You ignore the droplets of blood that form and continue running.

"Offrak!" you scream, squinting as you try to peer through the hazy air, "Offrak!"

You finally hear a reply, a small outcry of "help!" coming from beyond the entrance gate.

Your feet move swiftly as you run down the path. You gasp when you see a small orange Goron running uphill, clutching little glass bottles in his arms. You keep an eye on the sky as you approach him, carefully watching out for falling rocks.

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