20. The Zora Champion

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"Well, it'd probably be easier to explain in the library, I've gathered some documents and books for this, so please follow me," she smiled, nodding her head and spinning on her heels and walking away from the stairs.

Sidon glances over at you curiously, clearly confused by what Zelda's motive was. You merely shrug your shoulders, not exactly sure what the princess is planning either. But the two of you do get up from the stairs and follow behind her, blushing whenever you'd accidentally bump into one another and trying to keep the awkward tension unnoticeable.

You had no idea what would've happened if Zelda hadn't shown up. It was almost like you'd been close to... kissing Sidon? No, that couldn't have been right. You were just sitting close to one another. Besides, you had doubts that a literal prince would want to be involved with you.

You were so lost in your own confused thoughts that you had almost passed by the library, not focused on where you were walking. You were stopped by Sidon, who had grabbed your hand so that you wouldn't continue to walk down the hallway.

"The library's right here, little one," he chuckled softly, and you blushed when you heard the new nickname. 'Little one'.

"That's my new name since you can't call me young one anymore?" you ask with a laugh, turning to face him as a grin spreads on your face.

"Yes, I suppose so, little one."

You both laugh it off momentarily, and when the laughter dies down you both look down to see your hands still interlocked.

You each pull your hand away from one another, and you cough nervously, rubbing your arm to try and ease some tension in your mind. Your fingers brushed over metal, and you realized you were still wearing the band he'd gifted you on his arm. Your eyes flick over to his hand, and you smile when you spy that the earring you'd given him was still on his finger like a ring.

For some odd reason, seeing that made a feeling of warmth blossom in your chest. Before you could continue to dwell on those thoughts however, you heard Zelda's voice ring out, calling the two of you into the library.

"Are you two going to come in, or are you just going to loiter about in the hall?" she asked with a laugh, peeking her head out through the doorway.

You stick your tongue out at her before dropping your arms to the side and walking in. Once inside the circular room, you look curiously at the desk in the center. The princess had laid out various books and papers and stacks of notes, and upon closer inspection, they were all referring to the Divine Beasts, both notes from a century ago and thousands of years back when the Sheikah first constructed them.

Mipha's journal was on the table as well, and it was flipped to the pages where she logged her experiences in trying to learn how to pilot Vah Ruta.

"Princess, may I ask what all of this is for?" Sidon asked curiously, walking over to the table and skimming over some of the pages.

"Well, it's the other part of my plan in reviving and rebuilding Hyrule. The castle will be constructed, and so will many of the towns and villages scattered about the land. But, the kingdom needs protection. Ganon may be gone, but we never know when another foe may strike. I will, of course, hire a new royal guard once I'm crowned queen, but I've been bouncing around another idea as of late," she began to explain, walking over to the table and picking up one of the papers laid out- a drawn picture of the exterior of Ruta.

"The Divine Beast Vah Ruta, created by the Sheikah long ago and given to a brave and formidable warrior to pilot and use to fight off the forces of Ganon. One hundred years ago when I was charged in selecting four Champions for each respective divine beast, I chose Princess Mipha to pilot Ruta. I chose her for her kind soul, her wit, her role in the kingdom, and her tactical skills when it came to battle. One of the brightest and best Zora of the time, who is of course dearly missed.

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