6. Divine Beast Vah Ruta

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Traversing Ploymous mountain was the easy part. The Zora armor was extremely valuable, giving you the strength to vertically swim up waterfalls just as any other Zora could. After swimming up two, you were up on the top of Ploymous mountain, and making your way up the path to Shatterback Point.

The trail was rather pretty and scenic. If the rain wasn't pouring down it would've been a gorgeous scene with lush green fields, some lakes, and plenty of wildlife around. Along with the wildlife was monsters, of course.

A couple of Moblins and Lizalfos later, you found yourself quickly approaching Shatterback Point. The higher up you got, the more your nerves seemed to start getting to you. You were extremely anxious, especially after this Lynel had been explained to you. It sounded terrifying

You also noticed something else the higher up you got. Some of the trees you passed had intact shock arrows sticking out of them. You collected the ones you found and had managed to grab eight by the time the path rounded out at clifftop.

Looking around you saw a rather scenic view. A lake in a grassy area with flowers, and while there were some boulders sticking out of the ground it didn't seem to distract from the view. Pulling out your Sheikah Slate, you surveyed the map curiously. 'It says I'm right on top of Shatterback Point... but I'm not seeing any monsters up here-' you thought, but were suddenly cut off by a loud roar.

You barely had time to turn and see a shock arrow heading right for you and managed to duck as it whizzed over your head and lodged in the tree behind you.

The source of the arrow was a humongous centaur-like creature with a grizzly red mane and beady green eyes. He was putting his bow away as he reached for the curved sword and shield on his back, hooves pawing at the ground as he seemingly got ready to charge at you. He was one of the most frightening things you'd faced on this adventure so far.

Swallowing your fear, you reached for your own shield, making a silent prayer to the goddesses before sprinting his way.


Mere minutes later there was a dead Lynel on the ground in front of you, the remains of his body disappearing and leaving behind loot for you to grab in his absence. It had required way too much dodging on your end, and at one point you'd even managed to climb on his back and hit him from there, but you had done it. Reaching for the bow he'd left behind, you hissed at the feeling of a sharp sting in your right arm.

There was a cut in the Zora armor and a gash in your forearm. You hadn't realized the beast had managed to strike you, but now as your adrenaline was fading you could feel the stinging pain. Quickly, you dug through your bag with your free hand and pulled out one of the elixirs you'd made in Zora's Domain- something with a hearty lizard that was supposed to heal.

Quickly drinking the red liquid, you cringed at the taste but forced yourself to swallow anyway. Stashing the now empty bottle away, you looked down at your arm and saw the wound closing up. There was still some pain, but much more subdued, and there was now a scar on your arm. Some blood was still on the armor showing where you'd been hit, but other than that the injury was clean.

'If only I had something like Mipha's healing to truly fix myself up,' you mused, thinking back to the memory of her from earlier. That whole situation still confused you, and you were still trying to figure out your own feelings, but you didn't have time to dwell on it at the moment.

Picking up what was left on the ground; his sword and shield, and a bundle of about fifteen shock arrows, you climbed up to the edge of the cliff and looked down. In the distance below you, you could see the East Reservoir Lake and Vah Ruta in the center of it, blowing its stream of water into the air. Unhooking the slate, you used it as a scope to get a better look of the area.

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