24. Battle the Ancient Foes

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Content Warning: There will be some violence in this chapter, one character will be hurt and there will be a description of a wound/blood

Keep in mind I take some creative liberties with the design/terrain of the palace and the land of Zora's Domain, but it's all based on what's shown in the game


The journey back to Zora's Domain was mostly peaceful. After the prince spoke with Muzu he tagged along with both you and Zelda back to his home.

The sun was set deep in the horizon by the time your horse's hooves were trotting across the Great Zora Bridge. Before handing Persephone over to the palace staff to be cared for, you feed her a rather juicy red apple and run your fingers through her mane, "You did good today, girl, go get plenty of rest."

She whinnies, pressing her snout against your cheek playfully before she'd guided away to the stable's along with Storm and Morellus.

"Well, today was rather invigorating, yes?" Sidon asked with a grin.

"For the two of you it seems," the princess laughed, tapping a few functions on the Shiekah Slate, "It'd likely be best for us if we take some time to rest and have a meal before going to the next marked point. We will also have to figure out exactly what could be awaiting us there, we can of course use the hints from Kass' song again as it was quite accurate the first time around."

You were more than happy to agree to getting a meal, and Sidon let the palace staff know. Immediately a servant rushed to the kitchen to let the cooks know the prince and his guests were hungry, and before you knew it dinner was being whipped together for you.

"While they get all of that ready I think I'm gonna head back to my room, to freshen up and all that," you say, excusing yourself momentarily. You find your way through the corridors of the castle, arriving back at the chambers which the king was allowing you and Zelda to stay in.

After two days of travel you were feeling somewhat sore, and allowed yourself half an hour to relax. After stripping off your armor and other garments, you stepped into the pool and sank into it's warm water, a content sigh passing your lips.

Curiously, you notice a handful of small bottles and bowls on a ledge besides the pool and examine them. Each one is labeled, and upon opening one of the bottles you're greeted with a lovely aroma. "Soaps and bath salts," you murmur, taking your time to smell each one. There's ones made from safflinas, violets, amoranths, apples, and what you suspect might be wildberries.

Besides all these small bottles is a note from one of the servants:

A gift from the staff to the Princess and Hylian Champion

We hope you enjoy yourselves during your stay in the domain

A smile graces your lips. 'How sweet, I'll have to talk to Sidon about thanking them later,' you think to yourself as you grab a slim magenta colored vial.

After scrubbing yourself clean of any grime and sweat, you take some time to soak in the bath salts, feeling positively refreshed as you do. The sun had completely set during this time, and the only light in the bedchamber was the luminous stones embedded in the walls which cast a soft blue glow over you.

Eventually you manage to pull yourself out of the pool, drying yourself off before finding a pale blue robe in the drawers. Just as soon as you slip on clean undergarments and tie the robes around your waist, there's a knock at the door.

"____? I was wondering if you'd perhaps like to join me in my chambers for dinner? Princess Zelda took her plate to the library to continue her studies for the evening."

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