42. Caught in the Rain

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I am soooooo sorry this took so long to put out 😭 This semester royally kicked my ASS

I hope this chapter makes up for it ♥ it's been in the vault for months undergoing rewrites. I'll be able to dedicate more time to writing this summer so look forward to more chapters then :)

EXPLICIT content in this chapter !! SO like last time there's a line of Xs at the beginning and end of the smut section if you'd like to skip it c:

Also, not beta read, sorry for any dumb typos lol


The air is thick with petrichor. Heavy rain pours down as you run across the Great Zora Bridge, the smooth floors slick beneath your shoes. You spot Gaddison at the entrance today, and she quickly ushers you toward the palace and beneath the shelter of the roof.

"Young Hylian, what are you doing out in this weather?" she asks, droplets of rain bouncing off of her scales and armor.

You smile as you grasp your bag, ringing the water out of the fabric, "I'm looking for someone."

"Prince Sidon?" she responds, giving you a grin.

"Surprisingly no, not today," you laugh, shaking the rain out of your hair, "I'm looking for a priest. A friend of mine is getting married and would like for someone to officiate the wedding."

Gaddison hums, tapping the end of her spear against the ground, "a priest? That sounds like Kapson, one of our elders. I'm fairly certain he's retired though."

"Retired?" you repeat, a small frown on your lips, "well... I can still try asking. Do you know where I could find him?"

The guard pauses to think for a moment before answering with a nod of her head, "he likes to spend his days walking around in the highlands. If you wait here until late evening though, you might find him near the tide pools beneath the throne room."

You nod, "alright, thanks for your help."

"You're welcome. Stay dry now, I understand that Hylians are prone to sickness after being in the rain," she says as you walk away.

'She's right,' you think to yourself, 'should probably get out of these clothes, they're drenched.' You glance down, tugging on your armor which has stuck itself to your skin from all of the moisture. 'I could probably ask Sidon if there's anything I can change into.'

However, as you wandered around the palace, the prince of the Zora was nowhere to be found.

Confused, you continued to search. You felt a tad too embarrassed about your state of dress (soaked head to toe) to enter the throne room. Luckily after a few minutes of searching you bumped into a familiar face- Bazz.

"Captain," you greeted him with a grin, "how've you been fairing?"

He gives you a smile, setting his spear down, "well enough, champion. Recently returned from Lookout Landing, construction is going splendidly. What brings you to the domain today?"

You repeat what you'd explained to Gaddison, how you were searching for a priest. "So now I'm waiting for Kapson to come back," you conclude, "but that won't be for a few more hours. Then I was looking for Sidon, but he doesn't seem to be around."

"Ah, the prince left on a venture today. I believe he left to visit the Divine Beast, but he made a point of requesting to go alone," Bazz replies, turning to look in the direction of the highlands, "however, he said he would return before nightfall."

You try not to show the disappointment on your face as you say, "ah, that's alright. Thank you for letting me know."

A mischievous smirk plays on the guard's face as he turns back to look at you, "you know if you would like to pleasantly surprise the prince, I'm quite certain if you met with him at the Divine Beast he'd be rather pleased."

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