33. Alone Together

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We got smut nowww. Only took *checks notes* 100k words and like 30 chapters. Sorry if you were waiting for this lmao

The reader in this chapter is described with explicit AFAB/Female terms

There's a line of Xs at the beginning and end of the smut section if you'd like to skip it c:


Your eyes go wide and you practically choke, "an heir?"

He winces at your reaction and clarifies, "or rather, your ability to give me an heir."

You laugh, but it comes out sounding sharp and sarcastic, "oh yes, that makes it so much better. You're not even king yet, why are they worried about heirs?"

Sidon lets out a deep sigh, running one of his hands over the silver garments that adorned his neck and shoulders, "it is tradition that when the heir ascends to the throne, whether it be a prince or a princess, that their spouse ascends with them. On the same day that I would become king, I would also need to declare myself and my wife wed. If, for example, I become king and I choose you as my wife, what would be expected of you afterwards is-"

"To produce an heir to the throne," you mutter, a sour taste in your mouth, "I really hate tradition, you know that?"

He chuckles, though it's a dry laugh, "I can tell, little one. But, the royal bloodline of the Zora has always been pure Zora. There may be Zora that hail from other regions and kingdoms, but they are still Zora nonetheless. The bloodline has never contained a Hylian before, so it is unknown and also unlikely that an heir could be produced."

You mull over his words in your mind. "Well," you say, "a Zora and Hylian relationship has never been documented before, right?"

"To my knowledge there have been a few here and there," Sidon replies, "but based on our records no child had been produced from those relationships. Believe me, I checked with the historian."

"... did they try?" you ask, absent-mindedly stoking the flames of the campfire.

The prince thinks before answering, "I suppose we do not know. The records never indicated if there were attempts to, well, conceive."

You notice the blush on his face.

"Well if it was never documented," you reply with a nervous laugh, "how do we know that they tried? How do we know that it's so impossible and unlikely?"

Now you're blushing too.

"Darling, are you perhaps insinuating that... the two of us try?" he asks, leaning closer to you.

You stammer, noticing how the glow from the fire makes his gaze more intense, "I mean- I didn't- well I am curious, but- well- we don't have to- if you don't want to-"

You feel like an idiot for even bringing it up. But you can't stop talking.

"Obviously, um, it's far too early in our relationship to even be considering- y'know- like, kids, but- and even if we could it is not the right time- what with- all of the... um... training..."

In the midst of your rambling Sidon had brought himself closer to you. With his height he was able to corner you against the trunk of the tree, bringing his face near yours. You promptly shut your mouth.

"I agree that it is far too early for children," he murmurs, his breath against you making you shiver, "but I do not think that there is anything wrong with curiosity. If I am being honest, I have been rather curious as well."

"Curious?" you repeat, feeling quite small beneath him.

"About you," he continues, nuzzling against your cheek, "I must admit that yesterday when I saw you in that gorgeous outfit from the Gerudo... it made my mind race."

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