37. The Journey to Eldin

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So because the previous chapter was a bit shorter, this one is a bit longer to make up for it! About 5.4k words. Enjoy !!

CW: Violence, injury, blood


The sky above the Rowan Plains was overcast and cloudy, but the weather was warm- a welcome change from the tundra in the Hebra Region. It had been roughly two hours since you'd left the Snowfield Stable, and now that you were traveling eastward at a steady pace you were no longer freezing. You had no need for the Snowquill armor now, instead traveling in your trusty Champion's Tunic.

Your trio traveled at a steady pace over the grassy knolls and hills. In the distance you could see the pink foliage of the Deku Tree within the Great Hyrule Forest. Beyond that, of course, was Death Mountain. With the map on the Sheikah Slate, Zelda estimated that you would arrive at the Woodland Stable before sunset.

In one hand you held Persephone's reins, guiding her past the foothills. In the other hand you held your bow. Taking this route north of the castle would save time, yes, but at the risk of dangers that the roads of Hyrule did not bear. There could be a whole host of monsters that you may have to fend off, though thus far everything has been safe and quiet. This didn't negate the way your anxiety spiked, however.

On either side of you Zelda and Sidon rode on their own steeds.

"It's so beautiful in this area of the kingdom," the princess says thoughtfully as she gazes toward the south, "do you remember when we used to travel here to study specimens?"

"Yes, but I remember that you tried to get me to eat a frog one time," you reply with a chuckle.

"I was testing a scientific hypothesis!" she gasps in defense of her, "that species of hot-footed frog is known for its potential to replenish one's stamina and energy."

Then the prince interjects, "yes, but I believe it must be brewed into an elixir beforehand. Did you truly swallow a frog?"

"No!" you shout, though it's through laughter, "there was absolutely no frog-swallowing!"

They both chuckle at your outburst. You pout and wrap the reins around your knuckles. You whistle and press your right boot against the saddle, instructing Persephone to face the east again.

Zelda was certainly right. The land surrounding you was picturesque. Rolling green hills with a handful of trees sprinkled about. Flowers and wild herbs sprouted from the ground, and you absent-mindedly tested your botany knowledge as your horse trotted along. Hyrule Herbs, Mighty Thistles, Armoranths, and Silent Princesses-

You blink.

You were traveling through a field full of Silent Princesses. There must have been hundreds all around. Beautiful and blue, swaying gently in the wind. You took in a deep breath, taking in the fresh air and the smell of the flowers. After looking around once more, you do your best to catalog the sight in your memory, not wanting to forget the view.

While you'd been distracted by the scenery, you hadn't noticed the other traveler in the area. You inspected them. They were alone, a thick pack of belongings on their back, and an unlit lantern in hand. No horse either, which was uncommon when you were so far away from the main roads. You couldn't see any visible weaponry.

Still, you were cautious.

As the lone traveler approached, you spoke up, using a stern tone of voice that felt foreign to you, "hello. Where is it that you're headed?"

Now that you were closer you could see that she was a woman. She looked up and pushed her hair aside, smiling up at your trio from behind her spectacles.

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