30. Dress to Impress

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Two chapters one day after another?? Wowie. I will admit, I've been in a writing fever these last few days with all my brainstorming for the future of this story. I have some exciting things in store for the future c:


With a few hours left until dinner, both you and Zelda decide to get fitted for proper Gerudo vai clothing. The seamstress at the local clothing shop was more than happy to take measurements and quickly adjust the outfits she already had so that both you and the princess had something to wear for when you met with Riju again. Currently you're standing on a stool as the seamstress, Saula, skirts around you with a piece of measuring tape.

"Did you need to wear Gerudo clothing when you had meetings with Urbosa?" you ask Zelda, who's sat on a couch behind you.

"No, Urbosa was a bit more lax when it came to that sort of thing," she answers, "but I have a feeling that it would make a better impression with Buliara if we presented ourselves in more... traditional garb."

You hum, raising your arms so that Saula can get measurements of your bust and waist, "I see. Though I don't think it matters what I wear, I don't think I'm ever going to get Buliara to like me. She's so stubborn..."

You hear the seamstress stifle a giggle.

"She just wants what's best for Riju and the Gerudo, I don't blame her," the princess retorts, "besides, you can be awfully stubborn as well, you know."

You roll your eyes as Saula has you and Zelda swap places to continue taking measurements. Taking your place on the couch you pick up the Sheikah Slate that the princess had set down and begin to swipe through it. In the album were various photos, one of which was a discrete picture you'd taken of the Zora prince (who was none the wiser to the image's existence).

You smile as you gaze upon the photo. If your memory serves you right you'd taken this when he was regaling the young Zora children with a story of one of his heroic feats. He was posed in the photograph, pantomiming launching a spear at his foes. On his face he bears his signature toothy-grin.

Your smile falters as you shut off the slate and think. What those Yiga soldiers had said was still weighing on your mind. If they had been spying, was it solely on you? Were they watching the princess? The prince? How could you be sure that they weren't keeping tabs on all of your allies, all of the future champions?

When Zelda turns so that the seamstress can measure her height she sees your frown.

"What's the matter?" she asks politely.

You know better than to say it outright. So far only Riju and the Gerudo guard are aware of the security threat that the Yiga posed. The fact that one of their foot soldiers had been able to disguise themself as a Gerudo soldier at the gate was incredibly worrying. The last thing you needed was for word to get out and cause mass panic. So you opted not to speak about it in front of Saula.

"Later," you mumbled, crossing your arms.

She nods in understanding.

"Alright, young vai. With your measurements I think I have two outfits that will fit, with minor alterations. Do you have color preferences?" Saula asks, wrapping her measuring tape into a small coil.

"Something in blue would be quite nice," Zelda says with a smile.

Meanwhile you shrug, "I'm fine with anything you have to offer. Thank you, by the way."

The seamstress gives a quick nod before turning on her heels and walking into the back of the store. You can hear the faint sound of rummaging as she puts together some clothing for both you and the princess.

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