16. Interrupted Travels

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The trek through the land surrounding Zora's Domain was a mostly peaceful one. The terrain was gorgeous, the mountains surrounding the domain were hues of purple and blue, with luminous stones sticking out in random clusters. The path was decorated with lamps the Zora built from luminous stone as a guide, and though the lamps were pretty, you were far more distracted looking out into the distance than just admiring the architecture.

You'd become friendly with the four Zora guards who were tagging along as well. You learned their names were Bazz, Dunma, Tottika, and Rivan. Bazz was the captain of the guard for Zora's Domain, and Rivan was actually someone who you knew from your childhood.

When you were far younger, before your training to become Zelda's knight, the two of you were good friends and would play around when you visited the domain. He was a friend of the royal family, and since you were Mipha's friend he then became your friend too. His friendship with them eventually tied into him becoming a guard, and you congratulated him on the accomplishment.

While on the way up Ruto Mountain the seven of you passed one of the big stone monuments that had carved writings into them- a history of the Zora, most of which were told from the point of view of King Dorephan. The one you passed happened to be about Prince Sidon, who quickly tried to divert your attention away from it.

"No no, please, we must read this and tell Princess Zelda and our Hylian Champion allllll about it," the captain Bazz says with a grin, and you're able to see Sidon toss him a deathly glare out of the corner of your eye.

Bazz made a great show of dramatically clearing his throat as he readied himself to read the monument. You turned to see Sidon staring down at the ground, one of his hands covering his eyes as he puffed out a frustrated sigh. You felt a bit bad for him but had to admit that watching his friends tease him this way was a little funny.

"The History of the Zora!... Addendum Two; Prince Sidon's Great Escape," Bazz began, though he spoke in a grandiose and exaggerated voice that made the other three guards laugh, and both you and Zelda giggled as well, "There was once a giant Octorok in Hateno Bay, large as a mountain, which terrorized the village's fishers. Hearing of their distress, Prince Sidon went forth to personally eliminate the offending Octorok."

You were already interested in the story. An Octorok the size of a mountain? It seemed practically unheard of, you almost wanted to question Sidon on whether or not it was true. You glanced over at Zelda and saw that she was absolutely hooked on the story, and you could see why as Bazz was a very good storyteller.

"But this Octorok was a tricky beast, oh yes. After the prince dodged one of the stones it spat, it inhaled him whole," Bazz paused for a dramatic effect and you could hear the princess quietly gasp beside you, "Such had been the fate of many strong warriors who went to slay the Octorok. Not a single one had come back alive. Just as it seemed Prince Sidon would be counted among them, the giant Octorok twisted in pain.

The tip of a silverscale spear pierced the Octorok's stomach from within, revealing itself as the source of the beast's agony. Incredibly, Prince Sidon had fought his way out by stabbing his spear over and over into the monster's stomach. Unable to bear the pain, the Octorok coughed up the prince and scrambled to escape. Ever since, the fishers of Hateno Bay have passed down this heroic tale: The Prince who Slew the Fell Octorok."

Bazz received applause from his captivated audience once he finished his dramatic reading of the stone monument, and he sassily bowed and took in the praise he got from you. "Ah yes. We all love that enthralling tale, now may we please move on," Sidon sighed behind you, and when you turned to look at him you could see an embarrassed blush on his face.

The group agreed to move and you continued to move southwest of Ruto Mountain, letting Zelda lead the group since she was using the Sheikah Slate's Map. After a while of walking, you stopped being so involved in the group's conversations and merely listened instead. This also leads to you lagging behind a little and being in the back, walking beside Sidon who wasn't taking part in the conversation either.

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