13. A New Beginning

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The wind felt oddly cool despite it being summer. Calamity Ganon had been slain and an air of peace had settled over Hyrule. That morning, people all over Hyrule had awoken to a terrifying blood-red sky. Anyone with a vantage point could've seen the beast that was Ganon in the fields of Central Hyrule, battling with the Champion _____. And when Princess Zelda finally descended and used her sealing magic to put Ganon and rest once and for all, it's golden light could've been seen all across the lands.

The people of Hyrule began to rejoice. Camps of monsters that had once terrorized civilians seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye. Ancient Guardian Stalkers that once prowled the land looking for anything to shoot at now glowed blue and were docile. The intimidating pillars that stuck out of the ground around Hyrule Castle were now blue as well, instead of the once menacing red that represented Calamity Ganon.

At the front gates to the castle stood Princess Zelda and you, her appointed knight, Hylian Champion _____. Their battle had ended and they were both exhausted, but Zelda informed you she wanted to see the castle before leaving to a village or stable to rest. You escorted her up to the gates, neither of you speaking much, too tired to have a true conversation.

The malice and monsters that once infested the castle were all gone. The building was silent and still now, not a soul inside. An odd feeling took over as you gazed upon it. You were both happy yet sad at the same time. Melancholic.

You glanced over at the princess and she turned to you, tears brimming in her eyes. She smiled weakly and you offered your hand to her. She took it gratefully and the two of you began to walk away., As you walked, you unhooked your Sheikah Slate, looking for the nearest place to rest.

After a few moments of walking, Zelda broke the silence. "So, with the Sheikah Slate you can travel to any marked point on the map?" she asked curiously, and you found yourself smiling at the question. One hundred years later and she was still curious and eager to learn.

"Each shrine, tower, Divine Beast, and even tech lab has this thing called a travel gate. Using the Sheikah Slate, I can automatically travel to any place that I've accessed with the slate before," you explained.

"So, hypothetically, you could travel to someplace like Kakariko village in less than an hour, from anywhere in Hyrule, so long as you have a travel gate nearby," she continued on.

You laughed quietly and looked over at her, "Zelda, if you want to go to Kakariko village to see Impa you can tell me. We can test and see if it can transport both of us at once, and if it doesn't work I'll come right back here and we'll travel there on foot."

She pursed her lips, even after all these years you could still read her like an open book. "Yes... I want to go to Kakariko village," she admitted in a quiet voice, slightly peeved that you could predict her so well.

"Alright, then let's try it. There's a shrine on the cliffs right above the village that we can travel to," you informed her. You swiped across the map on the slate and selected the Ta'loh Naeg shrine right outside of Kakariko village.

You tightened your grip on Zelda's hand and she did the same to yours, and within seconds both of you were lifted off of the ground, blue streams of light wrapping around the two of you and sending you away.

Not a moment later, you landed on the shrine's platform. Zelda stumbled for a moment, and you quickly helped her stabilize. "That was... an interesting feeling," she said with a giggle as you stepped off of the shrine and onto the grass.

The sun was higher up in the sky now, and you estimated it was roughly noon. As you and the princess took the path down the cliffs and into the village, you could see practically everyone who lived within Kakariko out and about. They seemed to be having a small celebration of sorts.

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