45. Mockery

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New chapter dance New chapter dance New chapter dance

We are getting quite close to the end of this arc and the beginning of the TOTK timeline. I'm sooooooo excited

CW: some depictions of violence/mentions of blood


Gentle waves crash on the beach as the sun sets in the distance. The tide is low, allowing crabs and sea slugs to move between shallow pools of water in the nearby rock. Sidon runs his hands across the ground, grains of sand flowing between his fingers. It had been three months since his arrival at the Zora settlement. He longed to return home.

"I thought I might find you here."

The prince shoots up, turning his head to seek out the voice that spoke. Behind him stands Yona, who offers a gentle smile as she walks to stand beside him. "You did always love the beach when we were young," she muses, watching the water wash away her footprints, "it's not a surprise to me that you still seek out its comforts."

"I do not see the beach often, actually," Sidon responds, eyes trained on the horizon, "the domain is nestled within the mountains, and I do not make it a habit to leave the safety of its waters."

"Until recently, yes?" Yona asks with a quiet laugh, "I've heard quite a few stories about your travels with that Hylian knight. Is there any truth to them?"

He can't help but smile at the mention of you. "Yes, they're quite true," he replies, a grin gracing his features as he speaks, "I had spent a significant portion of the last year traveling alongside the Hylian Champion. She's a marvel, truly. A talented fighter but with the kindest of hearts and purest of intentions. It's no wonder they claim she was chosen by Hylia herself. Anyone would consider themself lucky to be her companion."

Yona giggles, and Sidon turns to give her a curious look.

"Forgive me," she smiles, placing her hand to her lips, "I do not mean to laugh. But it's a pleasant sight."

"What is?" the prince replies.

"You're in love," Yona swoons, sitting beside him in the sand, "what is it like?"

"To be in love?" he chuckles, cheeks warm.

She nods eagerly.

Sidon sighs happily, turning his gaze back to the sunset, "it is unlike anything I have ever felt before. It is the greatest joy to hold another so near and dear to your heart. There isn't a moment that goes by where I am not thinking of her. As much as I am enjoying this visit I must admit that I am counting down the days until I have her in my arms again. She's become my everything. Her voice is the sweetest honey, her laughter can soothe my wounds, and her eyes are pools that I can get lost within..."

The prince trails off, blush dusting his face.

"Wow," Yona gasps, "I can only wish to capture another's heart like this someday... however, is your father aware?"

Sidon quirks his head to the side, "my father? Yes, he knows, in fact, he's encouraged me to pursue and court her."

"I see," she murmurs, "but, the council? Do you have their approval?"

The prince goes silent.

"I cannot imagine that my father's council would approve if I chose to have a dalliance with someone who was not of Zora blood. Let alone choosing to marry them," Yona continues, a small frown on her lips, "so I would think that your council must be thinking the same."

Sidon chooses his words carefully, "they are... not entirely pleased with the circumstances. While I'm sure they would prefer I choose a Zora to be my future wife, I have made it adamantly clear to them that she is who I've chosen. I believe with time I will be able to change their minds."

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