41. From the Ground Up

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Another chapter ??? And so soon ??? That's crazy.

Yes I am posting this at 2:30 in the morning. No it's not beta read, again lol


Months passed as you settled into your new lives. Life in Hateno was relaxing, which felt odd to you when you've spent the majority of your life on high alert at all times. Within time your wounds from the Yiga had healed completely, though you were left with a long scar on your bicep and a few minimal scratches along your torso.

The princess hadn't yet completely reinstated you as her knight, claiming you still needed more time to recover from the mental stress. But the last thing you wanted to do was sit around, wasting away. So instead you dedicated yourself to offering assistance to the people of Hateno village. Killing off a monster camp to protect the rancher's flock of sheep, finding various weapons to show to a curious boy, even collecting a handful of crickets for a man who wanted to use them as a gift.

The people of the village were grateful, giving you rupees and cooked meals. Eventually, however, you ran out of people to help within Hateno. So you began to travel to offer your assistance. From Kakariko, to Lurelin, to the various stables, you traveled back and forth with the aid of your steed to help any in need.

Whenever you could spare a day or two, you'd travel to Zora's Domain to pay Prince Sidon a visit. Even though the council had recently been giving the prince more and more work, he would still eagerly make time for you. As of late he'd been showering you with various gifts, which according to the guards was another aspect of Zora courting rituals. If there was ever a day where Sidon could get away from his diplomatic work for more than a handful of hours, you would graciously spend that time together alone, away from prying eyes.

At the same time, Zelda was starting a new project. The construction of Lookout Landing was going smoothly, so the princess set her sights on a new goal: building a school. One night after having dinner she was excitedly explaining it to you, sharing how she and Symin were going to work together to usher in a new age of academia.

"Oh, you simply must see the plans," she said with a grin, "it's going to be the most precious building. Bolson and Hudson will be offering their construction expertise of course. In the first iteration it's going to be a school for the younger children, but in the future I hope to expand to higher education for adults as well."

Ever since moving the princess had a new air about her. More confident, more determined, and more hopeful. Her newly short hair bounced as she spoke, the blonde strands catching the light of the oil lamps around you.

"It sounds exciting," you smile, leaning against the dining table, "do you know if any of the parents here are interested in sending their kids to school?"

She nods, "yes, the mayor has a young son, and I'm sure if the mayor gives the school his approval that even more families will be influenced to allow their children to join."

You can't help but chuckle, "Zelda, you're the princess, the fact that you're running the school is the only approval it needs."

"Perhaps," she smiles, "and how have you been fairing?"

"Good, good I think," you reply, "it feels good to be useful. Unfortunately I seem to be running out of people to help."

Zelda perks up at this, "oh, you've just reminded me. When I was speaking to Hudson about the construction of the school, he mentioned something quite intriguing to me. The development of a new town. He said it would be in the Akkala region, far north of here- and he also mentioned how he'd likely require assistance. Maybe you should inquire about it."

"A new town...?" you repeat, "that does sound interesting."

"You do have to pass through the Lanayru region to get there," she adds with a cheeky grin, "perhaps you could stop by and say hello to your prince."

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