5. Rememberance

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A hazy scene appeared in your mind. A lake... mountains... grassy plains and rivers far out in the distance. You were slowly moving upwards. You were... sat on a platform? Some kind of mechanical one. You remembered it as the end of Vah Ruta's trunk.

You remembered a stinging pain in your arm and remembered three deep slashes, though where those slashes came from was an unknown detail. A Moblin? Lizalfos? Who knew. Clearly not you, with the lack of further memories.

Beside you was a girl. A Zora woman. She was short, shorter than you. Bright red scales, a rounded crest on her head. Adorned in blue jewels and silver bands with a blue sash strapped around her torso. She had deep, emotional yellow eyes. A bright blue light was coming from her hand as she ran it across the slashes in your right arm.

You miraculously remembered some of the words being said.

"I was thinking," she spoke in a soft tone, one that somehow perfectly matched her looks and demeanor, "this reminds me of the time we first met. You were just a reckless child... always getting yourself hurt at every turn."

She paused her speech to turn her gaze up to you, a shy smile gracing her lips before she looked back down at your wounds. "Every time I would heal you, just as I am doing right now. I thought it was funny how, being a Hylian, you looked grown-up so much faster than I did," she continued on, clearly peaceful in her reminiscing.

You didn't speak, always wanting to hear more from her. You somehow remembered being the talkative one, but always happy to listen and let her speak as much as she wanted to.

She seemed to notice your stare and blushed, focusing more on the healing she was performing. "I was... I was always willing to heal your wounds. Even back then." she murmured, lifting her hand up. The blue light faded, and you looked down to see your arm which was once bloody and broken, now smooth and cleaned. No marks or any signs of previous injury.

You thought in your mind that you should've thanked her. But this was a memory. You couldn't speak to her even if you tried. So she continued to talk in place of your silence.

"So if this Calamity Ganon does, in fact, return... what can we really do? We just don't seem to know much about what we'll be up against," she sighed, pausing with a look that signified she was thinking of what to say next, "But know this. That no matter how difficult this battle might get... if you- if anyone ever tries to do you harm... then I will heal you. No matter when, or how bad the wound... I hope you know that I will always protect you... once this whole thing is over maybe things can go back to how they used to be... when we were young. You know... perhaps we could spend some time together," she finished, finally looking back at you and locking eyes, a sincere smile as she looked at you happily.

The memory started fading. You didn't want it to fade. You wanted to know more- you needed to know more. You knew so little, why couldn't you learn more, it couldn't end already-

... and before you knew it you were pulled back to reality.

You were shaking after having spaced out for so long. A sharp shiver going down your spine, you finally regained your senses when you heard someone speaking to you.

"What is the matter, _____? Are you unwell?" a voice asked with concern, and you quickly recognized it as Sidon who was stood beside you.

"You are quivering like a hatchling..." Muzu commented, staring at you now, "Whatever is the matter?"

It took you a moment to speak, your mouth couldn't form the words. "I- I remember... I remember Mipha," you answered, staring up at her stature, almost confusing yourself by admitting that.

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