22. The Light's Path

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You decided as a group that you'd travel by horse to the Lanaryu sea. Returning to Zora's Domain, you and Zelda were handed back your horses which had been in the care of the palace staff. Persephone greeted you happily, letting out an excited whinny upon seeing you- and Storm greeted Zelda in a similar fashion.

Sidon decided on riding a steed named Morellus, a handsome horse with a shimmery brown coat, decorated in a bridle and saddle of silver similar to what the Zora wore. Tottika and Dunma were instructed to remain in Zora's Domain, you decided that traveling as a trio would be faster and that you could protect yourselves well enough anyways.

Soon enough you were off, riding horseback east. You traveled down the mountains and across the plains, and after a few hours, a group of islands just off the coast came into view. "The point on the map is right on the coast and close to Ankel Island and Knuckel Island," Zelda explained, leading both you and Sidon since she had the slate map in her hands.

As the three of you got closer you were able to see plumes of smoke, presumably from a campfire, on the cliffs. "Ah yes, the Council informed us that they'd sent Zora out ahead of time to keep watch over each location where the trials had taken place one hundred years ago," Sidon said thoughtfully, his horse trotting besides your own, "I suppose this further proves Zelda's theory that each marked point on the map is a trial like those my sister faced during her own training."

Once you approached the campfire, you were a little surprised to see a familiar face looking out at the vast ocean. "Muzu!" you called out happily, tugging on Persephone's reigns to bring her to a halt and hopping off to great the elder Zora.

"Ah! _____, Zelda, Sidon, good to see you've finally made it. We are here at the behest of King Dorephan and the council who tasked us with keeping watch on this area.," he began, gesturing to a Zora guard who waved as a greeting, "this is the land where Princess Mipha completed her sacred trial. Now, the signs that appeared one hundred years ago have returned."

"Mipha's notes had a phrase which I'm fairly certain are in regards to this specific trial," Zelda announced, pulling the journal from a bag of supplies on the side of Storm's saddle. She flipped it open, skimming through a few pages before her eyes lit up and she read the words aloud with a smile "she notes a trial besides four eastern islands. 'While the morning sun is newly born, follow the path of light to the trial.' "

You hummed as you listened to this before remembering something from earlier that day. "Didn't Kass' song mention something about a path of light? 'Find what the light's path shows' ."

"Well then, I can only assume we must wait until morning to complete this trial as written down in Mipha's notes," Sidon decided, finding a nearby tree to tie Morellus' reigns to.

"Well, we've got a campfire, I've brought food along, and," you pause, raising a hand over your eyes to gaze up at the sun; already setting in the western sky, "it'll be nightfall soon. Guess we'll just be camping out overnight."

"What?!" Muzu immediately protested with a shake of his head, "I cannot have the Princess of Hyrule camping out in the wilderness unprotected! We have no tents, no barricade to stop any monsters who may show up overnight-"

"Muzu, I assure you it's fine," Zelda said with a smile, setting a hand on his shoulder to try and calm the rambling Zora.

"Actually," you interrupt, taking the Sheikah Slate off of Zelda's belt and looking over the map, "there is a stable down the road farther north. Just to ensure the protection of our royalty you can all spend the night there in the inn and I'll stay camped here in case something happens in the very early morning."

You could immediately see by the concerned look on Sidon's face that he wouldn't agree to leaving you out here on your own for the night. "_____, I will not allow that," he began, walking towards you, "if anything were to happen you'd be left here, alone, to fend for yourself."

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