4. A Royal Meeting

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On your way up the staircase, you had some questions in your mind. What was the king like? Does he look like Sidon? Is he as kind as Sidon? And after that run-in with Seggin earlier, you were just hoping that he didn't hold a grudge against you after something that occurred a hundred years ago which you still didn't even remember.

Arriving at the top of the stairs though, your eyes went a little wide at the sight. A tall Zora, at least three times Sidon's height, was sat in a throne submerged in a small pool. His scales were a stark navy blue, quite the opposite of Sidon's, which contrasted with the bright red sash tied around him. He wore jewelry and accessories quite similar to Sidon's- the silver braces around his neck, and arms, and the tail that sprouted from the back of his head, the golden ropes, the blue jewels.

He seemed to be in a conversation with Sidon and a shorter, elder Zora as you entered the throne room. The sound of your boots on the smooth cut flooring drew the attention of all three, stopping their conversation. As you walked forward to stand before the king himself, Sidon offered you a pure-hearted smile, clearly one of encouragement. The elder Zora across from him merely scowled at your presence, though.

Stepping up onto a small pedestal, you looked up at the king as he gazed down at you. 'Should I bow... state my name and purpose? How do I go about this respectfully?' you wondered, but before you had a chance to try anything the king began to speak, his voice clear and easily heard due to his sheer size.

"Ah. You must be the Hylian that Sidon brought here, correct? You did well to come all the way here! I am King Dorephan, ruler of the Zora." he introduced himself, offering a smile as though he could sense how nervous you were. He suddenly became very intrigued and bent down a bit when his eyes caught something on your person. "Hm? That object upon your waist... is that not a Sheikah Slate?!"

"Yes sir, it is," you replied in confirmation, nodding your head. King Dorephan then had a look of knowing on his face, and both Sidon and the elder Zora had a look of realization, which greatly confused you.

"Now that I have gotten a good look at you, it is all too clear who you are... You are the Hylian Champion, _____!" he grinned, before pausing for a moment as though he were thinking. "... Do not tell me you have forgotten me, _____..." He wore a similar look like the one that Impa had on her face back in Kakariko after you'd confessed you didn't remember her.

"The Hylian Champion?" Sidon interjected, an astonished look on his face, "You can't mean THE _____? THAT Champion?! So that's where I have heard your name before! What a fateful coincidence that we would cross paths!"

"I cannot believe it. The Hylian Champion, _____, has appeared before us... we have met numerous times, I'll have you know." King Dorephan mused thoughtfully, sitting back into his throne, "Ah... so many memories! My mind is overflowing with nostalgia, my friend. I had heard a terrible rumor that you had fallen in combat, but it appears that you have managed to survive. Extraordinary!"

You shuffled your feet at the mention of that. It still miffed you that you were still unaware of whatever accident occurred that wounded you bad enough for a century-long restoration. "I've been asleep since then, your majesty, it was the only way to save me. But... I've lost all my memories," you explained to them, rubbing the back of your neck with your hand in an attempt to soothe your nerves.

A look of confusion crossed over the king's face, and he leaned down as he spoke, "Come again? You say you have lost your memory? But surely you must remember my precious daughter, Mipha, yes? You do, do you not?" he questioned, and you froze up on the spot, a sense of guilt filling you.

You cleared your throat, before slowly shaking your head no. And there again were those crestfallen expressions you were beginning to get used to at the mention of your lack of memories. "No... I'm sorry, I can't recall her."

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