26. Trials End

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"So, I surveyed the land today in an effort to both keep myself busy and plan for the next trial. Past the eastern exit of the palace is Mikau Lake, this is where the glowing point shows up on the slate's map," Zelda explained to you, "at the base of the lake is a glowing blue ring, similar to the one you described for the first trial. I can only assume that this reflects the final verse in Kass' song 'chase rings of the waterfall'. Above Mikau Lake is a series of small and large waterfalls which end at a small cliff below the very top of Ploymus Mountain."

You were listening intently to the princess as she spoke. Your meeting with the king had been adjourned and he'd been happy to approve of your trip to the next trial point upon seeing that you were indeed healthy and properly healed. Now you were sitting on the steps leading up to the throne room, looking down at the map of Zora's Domain as she pointed out each spot.

"Brilliant. Shall we head out now?" the prince asks.

He was standing a few steps behind you, and while you could see him, you could practically feel his presence.

Zelda nods as she hands the Shiekah Slate over to you for safekeeping, "I don't see why not. We've got plenty of daylight left, and it wouldn't take us long at all to reach Mikau Lake. We should have no need to bring a squadron of guards this time, upon my survey of the land I saw no monsters in the area."

You push yourself up and stretch your arms up, "sounds good to me, I've just gotta get the Zora armor then I'll meet you guys at the east exit?

"Yes of course, I'll let Muzu know that we're leaving and meet you there as well," Zelda replies, giving you a small wave before she walks up the steps back into the throne room.

This leaves you alone with the prince, whom you smile awkwardly at before dashing down the steps. You hear him call out your name, yet you pretend not to hear him as you speedily head into the palace corridors back to your bedchambers.

'Ughhh, what are you doing? You can't just blow him off like that after what just happened, you'll have to talk to him about it eventually,' you grumble inwardly.

You move quickly once in your room, fitting the armor on over your torso and securing it in all the right places. Your mind was swimming with thoughts and questions, but you attempted to push them all aside as you ran out of the bedchambers and up to the east exit.

You arrive at the center of the bridge where a small arch offers shade from the sunlight. You lean against the pillar of the arch and sigh, thinking to yourself, 'I'll talk to him after this final trial. Let's sort out this Divine Beast business, then sort out these feelings.'

A few minutes pass and eventually Sidon shows up, with his captain Bazz walking beside him. The two are having what appears to be a rushed conversation, speaking in hushed tones. You notice that as they approach the arch way, Bazz repeatedly throws a few glances your way before leaning over to the prince and whispering something to him.

Sidon brushes his friend away, and the captain laughs playfully as he jogs away, most likely to return to his post. The prince sighs, adjusting his arm bands and sash before walking up to you.

"Hello again, little one," he greets you nervously, with a very visible blue blush on his face, "would you mind if we discussed what happened before-"

You're quick to interrupt him, your own face feeling hot with blush, "look, can we talk about this after the final trial? I feel like it might be a... complicated conversation."

The prince quickly nods in agreement, "yes yes, you're correct, apologies."

He goes silent, as do you, and the tension in the air feels thick enough to be sliced by even the dullest, rusted blade.

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