43. Surveys and Diplomacy

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Holy cow, 2 chapters ??? In 2 days ???? That's crazy

I was so excited to publish this one, and if you read til the end you'll see whyyy

Side note, my keyboard is completely breaking down on me. I had to fight my own keyboard to type this chapter, it's as if the universe doesn't want me to update this story


A cool breeze blows past you and you shut your eyes, letting the wind roll across your body. In your fingers, you grasp the stem of a flower that you'd been absentmindedly twirling. It's about midday and the sun is high in the sky above Hateno Village. You lay in the grass near the home both you and the princess share.

You recall the wedding you'd just attended a few days prior, the joyous ceremony celebrating the union between Hudson and Rhondson. With your assistance the construction of Tarrey Town was complete, and the architect himself had happily informed you that you were welcome to visit any time, with free board at the local inn.

Perhaps you would have been more delighted- if not for the sour conversation you'd had with Prince Sidon when you'd last been in Zora's Domain.

After you'd recruited the priest Kapson, the prince of the Zora had pulled you aside for a private conversation. You breathe in deeply through your nose as you think back to it, the memory still fresh in your mind.

"What's wrong?" you'd asked him with a grin on your face, still in a rather good mood after the adventure you'd both had earlier that same day.

Sidon grimaced, nervously casting his gaze aside as he knelt before you, "I have just been informed by the council that I have a new diplomatic duty I must fulfill."

You tilted your head to the side, "diplomatic duty? What, will you be hosting some allies, or attending some kind of meeting?"

"I truly wish it were that simple," he sighed, "no, I've been instructed to travel to another settlement of Zora. This kingdom is an old ally of ours, and it hasn't been uncommon for the kings of our past to keep in contact with their leaders. The issue is the distance."

The gravity of his words set in and you nodded slowly, unable to form a response.

The prince continued, "I will be gone for a matter of months- potentially up to half a year. The journey to the settlement alone takes two weeks on average, weather permitting. I will be expected to partake in various festivities and traditions, as well as meet with their own royal family. The one benefit is that I will be able to see some dear old friends of mine, but aside from that it will be purely diplomatic business."

"Well..." you mumbled, feeling disheartened, "if you must, it is your duty as prince after all. When will you be leaving?"

"As soon as tomorrow morning," he replied, his lips turning to a frown, "it seems the council had been planning this for some time, with no input on my end."

"And King Dorephan allowed that?" you questioned.

"He admits he's not thrilled about the circumstances, however, my father confided in me that this trip is of the utmost importance. He stressed that ever since the Calamity occurred the relationship between our domain and theirs has been rocky," Sidon explained, "it seems that my compliance could be the key to securing a stronger bond between our kingdoms."

Disappointment settled in your heart. It seemed there was no way around it, the prince would have to leave.

He had given you a sweet kiss goodbye, a tender and loving farewell. You traced your fingers across your lips as you recalled the moment. It had only been a week since Sidon had left, and you were left to count the days until his return.

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