31. The Gerudo Champion

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This one is a looong one. 6k words, it was very fun to write. I think from now on I will be alternating between posting a chapter for this fic and a chapter for my modern AU Sidon fic (Those Summer Nights) to keep the updates even c:

Speaking of Those Summer Nights, I updated it! After over 2 years! If you haven't read it, I recommend it, it's more Sidon content but modern and he's a lake monster c:

CW: Mentions of blood/injuries, single mention of dissociation


The next few days are a blur. Between helping Riju with her warrior training, studying Gerudo texts, and surveying the terrain you find yourself constantly busy. You start to perform a cycle of: wake up, eat, help Riju spar, help Zelda take notes, eat again, speak with the Gerudo soldiers, formulate plans with Buliara on how to best keep Riju safe, crash asleep in bed, and then repeat.

Needless to say you're absolutely thrilled once it's decided that Riju is ready to venture out with you and Zelda. She'd been able to last five minutes in a sparring session with Buliara (who admittedly was taking it easy on her considering how much smaller she is). The next morning, early, a meeting is hosted to discuss the plan going forward.

"The Sheikah Slate shows a marked point in the East Gerudo Mesa," the princess explains, pointing on a map that's hung up on the wall, "if this is anything like the point in Zora's Domain, which I'm quite certain it is, this is where we must go to begin the trials."

Listening to Zelda is yourself, Riju, Buliara, and a handful of the best soldiers the Gerudo have to offer. You're sitting in what the chief referred to as the 'planning room', an area of the palace filled with maps and texts that the soldiers and chiefs of the past would use for battle strategy. You balance the Master Sword on your lap as you listen.

The princess continues, "the quickest way to get there on foot is to traverse through the East Barrens and then hike north-east through the Champion's Gate. From there we could scale upward to the mesa. However-"

"The East Barrens is currently being nested by a molduga," one of the soldiers interjects, if you remember correctly her name is Teake.

"Indeed," Zelda says with a nod of her head, "so an alternate route which is safer, albeit longer, is to travel the road through the canyon, then hike south-east through Yarna Valley, which if we scale from that direction could also take us to the East Gerudo Mesa."

Riju speaks up, "and if we travel this alternate route, how much longer would this take?"

"On foot it would add an extra day. We would lose the speed of traveling by sand seal which cuts a considerable amount of time, and the route through the canyon would take us quite north before we head southward. But there would be no threat of a molduga attack," the princess answers.

"Was this molduga observed during the surveys?" the chief asks, looking at her guards.

"Yes, Lady Riju," a soldier, Liana, answers, "it seems to be a younger molduga, but anyone who comes anywhere near its nest is immediately targeted. It appears to have a lot of strength, but it is not coordinated. Many of its attacks miss."

Riju smiles, "then perhaps a coordinated attack on our part could swiftly dispose of it. What do you think, Buliara?"

The head guard closes her eyes and thinks, humming softly, "I believe this could be successful. Hylian vai-"

Your head jolts up when you realize she's addressing you. "Yes?" you reply, looking towards her.

"When you defeated the thunder blight you inherited Lady Urbosa's ability, did you not?" she asks, giving you a pointed look.

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