7. A Soul Worn Down by Malice

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Looking around, you spotted a pedestal you could scan the Sheikah Slate with. Jogging over, you unhooked the slate and swiped it over the symbol of an eye. Blue light flashed behind you, and when you turned you saw that a travel gate was now active, like the ones at every shrine and tower. 'So I can teleport on and off of this thing if I need to, good to know.'

Suddenly there was a voice, but there was no other person on the Divine Beast to be speaking to you... or so you thought.

"You're here. I must say... that I am so happy to see that this day has finally arrived. Now Ruta can be freed of Ganon's control," it said. That voice was so familiar. The soft, sweet voice of caring- where had you heard it before.

Then you realize who it is. '... Mipha's still here.'

She continued talking as you had that revelation, "you'll need a map to prevent you from getting lost. A Guidance Stone nearby contains the information that you will need."

Nodding your head, you followed her instructions and ran up the ramp to enter Ruta, only to see a nasty glowing eye at the entrance, surrounded by black and pink goo. Disgusted, you quickly drew an arrow and struck the eye dead center, watching as it shriveled up and the goo slowly disappeared, opening the path up for you.

Having no time to dwell on whatever that thing was, you looked around for a Guidance Stone. There was a small pool of water at this base level and a gate across from you. Behind that gate, you could see the Guidance Stone you were looking for, but the gate was blocked the same goo from the entrance.

'There must be another eye I can shoot,' you thought, looking around for one, before spotting the yellow iris underneath the water. Drawing another bow, you shot it dead center, and the goo dissolved once again.

Using your Cryonis rune you lifted the gate up and walked across a shallow platform below the water. At the stone, you placed the Sheikah Slate inside the slot and watched the runes distill from the top piece, just like it would at any tower. The screen of the slate now showed a map of the Divine Beast, the entirety of the elephant's hulking mass. Five areas had glowing orange pinpoints, and it looked as though you'd have the ability to control the trunk of Ruta from the slate as well.

The Guidance Stone ejected the slate and you grabbed it, looking over the map and trying to understand what to do. Luckily, Mipha was seemingly happy to give you a push in the right direction.

"Good! You've obtained the map of the Divine Beast. You will see several glowing points on your map which represent the terminals that control Ruta. Take Ruta back by activating all of the terminals. Be careful," she explained, and you quickly set out to find all five.

There just so happened to be one in this first room, however. Submerged underneath a second pool of water, and you knew you wouldn't be able to activate down there. It was on a chained platform connected to a series of gears, maybe you could use those to bring it up.

You thought of a way to solve this, as though it were a puzzle, and smiled upon realizing that the lever on the base gear was metal. Switching through the runes on your slate, you lifted it above you and turned on its Magnesis functions. Latching onto the lever, you spun it around and watched the platform with the terminal slowly come above the water.

Once it was completely up, you let go of the lever and stepped onto the platform, swiping the slate over the eye symbol as you were used to doing. The stone of the terminal glowed blue, signifying it'd been activated.

"There are four terminals remaining! Don't give up!" Mipha said with encouragement, making you smile. It seemed she and her brother both had that same habit.

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