35. The Rito Champion

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CW: Blood, injury, animal death


"Wait, really?" you gasp, "what made you change your mind?"

Teba smiles and looks down at his son, fondly patting the little Rito on the head, "you can thank my son. He can be quite persuasive when he wants to be."

Tulin grins at you.

"As you know, there's nothing I won't do for my family," Teba continues, "that's why I was so hesitant. If something happened to me, well, I'm sure you understand how difficult that would make things, champion."

You nod, listening intently to his words.

"But I don't doubt my skills as a warrior. I do believe that I'm capable," he explains, "however, I feared what would occur if the mission failed. I must admit, I was doubting the capabilities of yourself and the princess. After speaking with my son, though, he has thoroughly convinced me that I can put my faith in all of you."

"Of course you can, dad!" Tulin speaks up, "the champion is so cool and strong! So is that prince!"

Teba chuckles, "yes, my son would not stop talking about the two of you when he returned home last night. He's taken quite a liking to you all."

You were beaming, both from the praise but also due to the fact that Teba had agreed to the trials.

"This is great," you grin, "let me go get Princess Zelda and Prince Sidon, we can plan to find the pedestal and start your quest."

As fast as your feet will carry you, you bound down the steps of the village and run back to the inn. Lucky for you, the other two that make up your trio are slowly waking up.

"Zelda!" you greet her cheerily.

The princess blearily smiles at you, rubbing away the sleep in her eyes, "good morning, _____. You're awfully chipper."

"Teba has agreed to be a pilot," you say with a wide smile.

"What?" she and Sidon reply, almost in unison.

You grin at the, "yeah, I know right?"

Sidon stands, adjusting his cravat as he'd been in the middle of putting on all of his adornments, "what caused him to have a change of heart so soon?"

"His son, apparently," you answer with a small laugh, "after we told him and the other kids all those stories last night, he went home and told his dad about how we're strong and trustworthy warriors."

Zelda giggles, "you must have made quite an impression on him."

"Seems so," you reply, "I let him know that I'd get the two of you and we'd plan to head over to the pedestal."

The princess nods, picking up the Sheikah Slate, "well no need to waste anymore daylight. Let's head out."


As a group Zelda, Sidon, Teba, and yourself reconvene to chart a course to the pedestal. The glowing point on the map shows that it is located on the Cuho Mountain, south of Rito Village. Luckily the trek to get there is not nearly as long as the one to the Gerudo pedestal had been.

It was decided that you'd return to the Rito Stable and ride your horses along the road, then once arriving at the base of the mountain you'd hike upward. Teba would fly alongside you, not needing a steed due to his ability of flight.

With Sidon's tall height he's able to easily assist you and the princess in climbing the sheer cliff faces. When you arrive at the final location, you feel his hand linger on your lower back. It makes you somewhat flustered, and you're glad neither of your other companions noticed.

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